Well Comrades, it’s been quite a year hasn’t it? Just think of - TopicsExpress


Well Comrades, it’s been quite a year hasn’t it? Just think of it, last year about this time we had just defeated those ‘rethuggikkans’ clinging to guns, bibles and outdated ideas on liberty and freedom. Our glorious Dear Liar, the most excellent maximum leader, barrack Hussein Obama the second had just won the election. Well okay, he had to cheat and lie his way to winning, but everything’s fair when working for the common good. Those ‘rethuggikkans’ tea party types were working against the interests of the government so it was only right that the government work against them. And it was okay that he lied about his wondrous Obamacare because his Dear leadershipness only cares so deeply for us. We were at the dawn of a new age, on the verge of the glorious new world of next Tuesday and the ‘rethuggikkans’ were on the run. We even had them convinced that they could win by committing suicide by amnesty! It was a glorious time for comrades and national socialists of all stripes! Then just as we thought things couldn’t get any better, we had the modern day version of a Reichstag fire right in our midst. As Democrat Ed Rendell so aptly put it: (The) Good Thing About Newtown is That it Was So Horrific. Here was our golden opportunity to finally defeat those who would want to cling to their “commonsense civil right of self-defense”. Ah yes, those were heady days, Comrade Cuomo even waxed dictatorially with talk of confiscation’s. This was a chance to finally to force them to register their guns, if not take them outright in the middle of the night. Basic considerations of liberty and freedom could be easily brushed aside with an emotion based talking point that didn’t even need to make sense. Some of the useful idiots were only too quick to beg that their Constitutional rights be forfeited (along with everyone elses) just so they wouldn’t have to be branded a child murderers and terrorists. Comrade Feinstein was even quick to revive her Assault Weapon scam – never mind that any weapon could be used to assault someone. By Marx, she was going to define what those things were and whether you could have one – even if only based on their scary appearance. And we all knew that it was just a matter of time before every gun could be deemed scary looking, banned and confiscated. We all had our eyes on the prize – for once we had taken their guns all those ‘rethuggikkans’ would have to depend on us to protect them from our voters. Not to mention that we could do whatever we wanted in spreading the wealth with those ‘rethuggikkans’ unable to defend themselves. Even as the days dragged on a so-called patriots sensed the danger to their civil liberties and freedom and they became motivated, we still had the next best thing to universal confiscation – universal registration. Comrade Schumer inadvertently said so last January – but that was okay, emotions were running high and most sheeple were willing to trade their liberty for a modicum of security based on purely emotional appeals. But alas, it was not to be – those ‘rethuggikkans’ clinging to their outmoded ideals of freedom and liberty started pointing out that universal registration is but one step from confiscation and the destruction of their “commonsense civil right of self-defense”. They were unwilling to sacrifice their civil rights for national socialism’s greater good. They did not want to sacrifice their safety for the ability for the government to forcible redistribute the wealth. And so, inexplicably those steps failed, and while our socialist national groups continue the fight for the step to universal confiscation, those ‘rethuggikkans’ see the danger are unwilling to compromise their civil rights one more time. Now it’s almost 12 months later and how far we’ve fallen – no one is talking about confiscation’s or it’s stepping stone universal registration. The ‘rethuggikkans’ have even woken up to the extreme danger of suicide by amnesty. And the glorious Dear Liar’s accomplishment of Cloward – Pivening healthcare was too successful and now is an anchor around the neck of the party. We may never again see this happen in our lifetimes – for only if we can convince enough useful idiots that our Marxist ideas can work after enough time for people to forget how they’ve utterly failed in the past.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 23:36:50 +0000

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