Well Dillon Noordhoff this is it. Now that everyone has posted - TopicsExpress


Well Dillon Noordhoff this is it. Now that everyone has posted their goodbyes, its finally my turn. Instead of a picture, I have a video of you throwing me the ball on one of our many connections/touchdowns. We really tore it up in little league and even high school man. Weve been brothers since 5th grade my man. Not many people remember the first day they meet someone, but Im fortunate enough to remember the very first day we met. Beginning of the year, 5th grade, Mrs. Caspersons class; the class went into the computer lab for an assignment and everyone was seated in alphabetical order of last name so I was last. Lucky enough, you transferred from Ms. Vimahis class so you were on the bottom of the roll and sat right next to me, and boom, a new era of ultimate friendshipness was born. Because of your open heart and mind and loving attitude towards everyone, you took this awkward Arab kid, who only really cared about good grades and video games, and changed his life forever. Man youve impacted my life in so many ways, I definitely would not be where I am today without you. I cant believe in 5 short hours, Ill be seeing you for the last time for 2 years. I never thought this day would actually come but, I guess 8 years goes by fast. All those seasons of football together, all those hours of hell week, all the times we played Runescape back in the day, hour kickass COD zombies run we had, our worldwide 23rd ranked score on boxhead that took us ALL NIGHT to get, the first time I caught a fish and went camping, the first time I shot a gun, all our games of Madden and how we were in the top 100 in the world on Wii Madden because of my unstoppable offense your amazing defense. You threw me my first touchdown, and remember the surprise party I had for you last year? And when we went to Wolf Creek and played that raquetball game we invented. Theres just so many memories and weve been through so much together. You dont know how proud I am of you Dillon, and how much Im gonna miss you. You are truly an amazing person and a brother to me and definitely part of my family. Our friendship over the years is just unmatched. I mean, how many people out there can say theyve had the same best friend since 5th grade?? Not many. Weve been with eachother from the start. We are the original two, the dynamic duo, the one-two punch. And everyone weve met along the way has just made everything even more fun and enjoyable. I cant wait for you to come back, because just like what Mohammed Jaljouli said, Were gonna take over the world. Peru is gonna be so blessed to have an amazing person and missionary like you. I respect you and admire you so much for what youre doing and I know youre gonna make us all proud. Youre gonna be an amazing missionary. Youve already impacted and influenced my life more than anyone could ever imagine, so you shouldnt have too much trouble influencing the people of Peru. Anyways, time to wrap it up, I love you so much my brother. Im gonna miss everything we do together, (especially your annoying-ass defense in basketball (; ) youre gonna be an amazing missionary. Just have fun and enjoy your time there and the two years will fly by and youll come back and well rule the world. Best of luck to you, Elder Nordhoff, my brother.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 09:27:01 +0000

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