Well, I am going to tell my Surgeon today a story about Jesus ! - TopicsExpress


Well, I am going to tell my Surgeon today a story about Jesus ! Since leaving the hospital on the 21st and attempting to do all of the exercises and therapy as they instructed me to do - my condition only worsened - to the point of chronic pain throughout the entire leg with no relief and no help from very strong pain meds. This past Saturday - completely exhausted and totally confused - while laying in bed almost in tears of frustration and pain - I laid my hand on my knee and prayed Dear Jesus, in all your love and mercy I believe in your healing power and although undeserved, I ask in Your name to heal me. By this past Sunday night I just had to keep asking because at this point I could not do even any therapy at all. The one thing that did feel good was the hot water in the shower - although I could not stand long enough to get long term relief. Monday morning, while discussing this with Eli and Jan , Eli said - put the music stool in the bathtub and set on it !! Perfect idea as I could not lower my leg down enough to sit in the tub nor could I stand very long at all. Monday morning - sitting in the shower - with the water as hot as I could stand it - in less than two to three minutes - the chronic pain had eased tremendously. I then felt this rush of warmth all around the inside of my knee and just below the knee. I opened my eyes and saw that my entire knee was a deep purple-ish red - as opposed the pale white it had remained for so many days. The relief was indescribable. Since, I have did the shower therapy about twelve times and begin to do the exercises in the shower. The turn around is DRAMATIC and the pain is all but nil and all in less than 48 hrs. My conclusion from all of this is that there was a restricted or partially blocked blood vessel feeding the knee and the hot steam and water (Jesus) helped to open it up. My entire leg now has perfect color and the range of motion is more than amazing. My appointment with the surgeon today was supposed to be about either possible re-entry to the hospital or inpatient rehab. Lets see what happens after he hears the story about a healing Jesus !!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:36:01 +0000

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