Well I am probably going to get blown out of the water by some - TopicsExpress


Well I am probably going to get blown out of the water by some people for saying this. But I think its ridiculous that so many people want the Texas cheerleader to remove her pics from her hunting expedition from Facebook. I mean. Honestly people its her page and her pics and if people dont want to see them then they shouldnt go look. Im not saying what she did is ok but people have been hunting animals since cavemen days and the drawings on cave walls prove this. Maybe that was cave mens way of posting selfies with their kills. I realize it was a lion and a leopard and an elephant but even great Presidents of past have had pics taken with exotic kills and no one said anything. And from what I read the meat was eaten by a local village and not just discarded. Also were it not for controlled hunts then animals would be overpopulated and starve to death or resort to hunting humans. I mean think about if we stopped deer hunting, in less than 3 years they would be getting hit by cars lots more than they are now. Not wanting to start an argument but I think what she did was her own business as well as her Facebook page is.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 01:06:25 +0000

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