Well, I have news for these Zionist and Judaizer schemers and - TopicsExpress


Well, I have news for these Zionist and Judaizer schemers and plotters. Under the authority of Gods majestic and incomparable Word, we can with assurance confidently proclaim that Zion is the destination and home only of born again Christian believers, people saved through faith in Jesus and not as a result of their flesh and blood or by accident of their national origins. The prophecies of God clearly tell us that it is not just Jews who shall inherit the Kingdom and have power over the nations, but who se oever believeth on the name of Jesus, for He has overcome the world, and we are of Him: And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations. (Revelation 2:26) The Kingdom of our Lord Jesus is not a future Kingdom, and He is not interested in sitting on an earthly throne in Jerusalem. Indeed, God scathingly identifies wicked, earthly Jerusalem as the Great City, Babylon (Revelation 18). He also brands this filthy city of earthly Jerusalem as Sodom and Egypt (Revelation 11:8). No, Jesus Kingdom is not future. It is not limited to earthly habitation. It is alive. It is eternal. It exists now. Our Father in Heaven has declared His Majesty, and who is able to deny Jesus His deserved crown and Kingdom? But unto the Son He saith, THY THRONE, O GOD, IS FOR EVER AND EVER. (Hebrews 1:8) The Apostle Paul told us that all who trust in Jesus as Lord are already entered into His Kingdom. We are even now situated in heavenly places (see Col. 1:13; I Thes. 2:12; Hebrews 12:22). Friends, would you then trade in your heavenly and joyous abode for a man-made residence here on this tumultuous, depraved planet earth? Well, count me out! My calling, destiny and hope is to reside in glory with Christ Jesus, not to remain here, on this doomed, miserable pile of dirt and rocks called planet earth. If the Jews and their Judaizer associates want it that bad, let them have this planet. No Zion Without King Jesus The true Kingdom of Zion is, in fact, the New Jerusalem, a heavenly city and habitat built by God without human hands. Whats more, citizenship in Zion is based not on race and blood. A person must be chosen by the King of Zion and must be born again into this Kingdom (John 3:3). Citizenship in this marvelous Kingdom is the privilege of believers. The wonderful thing is that there can be no Zion without a King. And the Word of God trumpets the indisputable Truth: There is No King but King Jesus! Some years ago, while attending a prophecy conference in Florida, I encountered a sincere but deluded woman proudly wearing a necklace bearing the so-called Jewish Star of David, the six-pointed star. She had no idea that this star secretly represents the number 666, that occultists universally call it the hexagram, and that Satanists regularly use the six-pointed star in their satanic rituals and invocations. This same woman gushingly told me she was a lover of the nation-state of Israel. She bragged of giving large sums of money to a militant Jewish group in Jerusalem that has as its goal the blowing up of the Islamic mosque and the setting up of a new temple for the Jews atop its ruins. But, I inquired of the woman, are you not aware of II Thessalonians 2, which prophesies that the Antichrist, the Son of Perdition, shall show himself in such a temple, and blasphemously declare that he is above God? Well, yes, she offered. But isnt that a good thing? That would hasten the coming of the Kingdom of the Jews, wouldnt it? The Kingdom of the Jews?, I repeated, almost incredulous. Oh sure, she excitedly exclaimed. That is what the Scofield Bible, which my husband and I love, says. The Jews shall reign over all the earth. They are Gods Chosen. In helping them to rebuild their great temple, I am helping to usher in the Kingdom of the Jews. My dear Sister, I confided, You cannot serve God and the Devil at one and the same time. You cannot, on the one hand, help Jews, who despise our Saviour, Jesus Christ, rebuild their blasphemous temple in which they intend to carry out animal sacrifices. This would be mocking the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Do you really believe that in doing that, you are serving God? But, she objected, in helping the Jews rise to power, I am serving God! You cannot give money to help build Satans kingdom, I explained, and in doing so, please our Lord God. If the Zionist Jews are doggedly determined to mock and disrespect the truth, why should you, a Christian, help make that come to fruition? Moreover, I concluded, Are you not aware that it was Jesus Himself who prophesied that the Jewish Temple would be destroyed, stone by stone. And it was destroyed, by the Romans in 70 AD. You, therefore, are working to undo what God has done. Are you more wise than God? jesus-is-savior/Wolves/scofield.htm Scofield imitated a chain of past heretics and rapturists, most of whose credibility fizzled over their faulty end times prophesies. His mentor was one John Nelson Darby from Scotland, who was associated with the Plymouth Brethren and who made no less than six evangelical trips to the US selling what is today called Darbyism. It is from Darby that Scofield is thought to have learned his Christian Zionist theology, which he later planted in the footnotes of the Scofield Reference Bible. It is possible that Scofields interest in Darbyism was shared by Oxford University Press, for Darby was known to Oxford University. A History of The Plymouth Brethren By William Blair Neatby, M.A. The great loss we have is that many of our Christian people will not be party to the victory that Christs kingdom extends to us. So when you see Scofield and his Bible being carried by someone you want to ask them, Why are you carrying the Bible of a convicted felon, thief and fornicator who left his wife behind and went off with other women? Can a wicked tree bring forth good fruit? It can not. Scofields notes weave parts of the Old and New Testaments together as though all were written at the same time by the same people. This is a favorite device of modern dispensationalists who essentially weigh all scripture against the unspoken and preposterous theory that the older it is, the more authoritative. In many cases the Oxford references prove to be puzzling rabbit trails leading nowhere, simply diversions. Scofields borrowed ideas were later popularized under the labels and definitions that have evolved into common usage today--pre-millennialism, dispensationalism, Judeo-Christianity, and most recently the highly political movement openly called Christian Zionism. Other researchers have examined Scofields eschatology and exposed his original work as apostate and heretic to traditional Christian views. Among these is a massive work by Stephen Sizer entitled Christian Zionism, Its History, Theology and Politics, Christ Church Vicarage, Virginia Water, GU25 4LD, England The Scofield Reference Bible has gone through several editions. Massive pro-Zionist notes were added to the 1967 edition, and some of Scofields most significant notes from the original editions were removed where they apparently failed to further Zionist aims fast enough. The most convincing evidence of the unseen Zionist hand that wrote the Scofield notes to the venerable King James Bible is the content of the notes themselves, for only Zionists could have written them. There is no word for anti-Semitism in the New Testament, nor is it found among the Ten Commandments. Sin, a personal concept. It is something done by individuals in conflict with Gods words, not by nations. Even Sodom did not sin--its people did. The word judgment in the Bible always refers to Gods action. In the Christian New Testament, Jesus promises both judgment and salvation for believing individuals, not for nations. There was also no State of Israel when Scofield wrote his original notes in his concocted Scofield Reference Bible in 1908. All references to Israel as a state were added AFTER 1947, when Israel was granted statehood by edict of the United Nations. The Oxford University Press simply rewrote its version of the Christian Bible in 1967 to make antipathy toward the State of Israel a sin. Israel is made a god to be worshiped, not merely a state. Scofields notes HAVE BEEN ALTERED OR REMOVED by Oxford after his death. The people who rewrote the perverted Scofield Bible notes were demons.. The Oxford 1967 Edition continues on page 19: (2) GOD MADE AN UNCONDITIONAL PROMISE OF BLESSINGS THROUGH ABRAMS SEED (a) TO THE NATION OF ISRAEL TO INHERIT A SPECIFIC TERRITORY FOREVER (3) THERE IS A PROMISE OF BLESSING UPON THOSE INDIVIDUALS AND NATIONS WHO BLESS ABRAMS DESCENDANTS, AND A CURSE LAID UPON THOSE WHO PERSECUTE THE JEWS. (Page 19, 1967 Edition Genesis 12:1-3) This bequeath is joined to an Oxford prophesy that never occurs in the Bible itself: IT HAS INVARIABLY FARED ILL WITH THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE PERSECUTED THE JEW, WELL WITH THOSE WHO HAVE PROTECTED HIM. and THE FUTURE WILL STILL MORE REMARKABLY PROVE THIS PRINCIPLE(footnote (3) bottom of page19-20Genesis 12:3) None of these notes appeared in the original Scofield Reference Bible or in the 1917 or 1945 editions. The state of Israel DID NOT EXIST in 1945, and according to the best dictionaries of the time, the word Israel only referred to a particular man and an ancient tribe, which is consistent with the Bible text. See Israel, Websters New International Dictionary 2nd (1950) Edition. All of this language, including the prophecy about the future being really bad for those who persecute the Jews, reflects and furthers the goals of the Anti-Defamation League, which has a stated goal of creating an environment where opposing the State of Israel is considered anti-Semitism, and anti-Semitism is a hate crime punishable by law. This dream has become a reality in the Christian Zionist churches of America. Only someone with these goals could have written this footnote. The State of Israels legal claims to Arab lands are based on the United Nations Partitioning Agreement of 1947, which gave the Jews only a fraction of the land they have since occupied by force. But when this author went to Israel and asked various Israelis where they got the right to occupy Palestine, each invariably said words to the effect that God gave it to us. This interpretation of Hebrew scripture stems from the book of Genesis and is called the Abrahamic Covenant. It is repeated several times and begins with Gods promise to a man called Abraham who was eventually to become the grandfather of a man called Israel: [2] AND I WILL MAKE OF THEE A GREAT NATION, AND I WILL BLESS THEE, AND MAKE THY NAME GREAT; AND THOU SHALL BE A BLESSING: [3] AND I WILL BLESS THEM THAT BLESS THEE, AND CURSE HIM THAT CURSETH THEE: AND IN THEE SHALL ALL FAMILIES OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED. Genesis 12:3, King James Edition. The original Scofield note was far out of line with traditional Christianity in 1908 and should have been treated as heresy then. Yet Scofield had failed to go far enough for the Zionists. Reverend Stephen Sizer of Christ Church,Christ Church Vicarage, Virginia Water, GU25 4LD, England is perhaps the most dedicated new scholar writing about the Scofield Bible craze, popularly known as Christian Zionism. He has quipped, Judging Christianity by looking at the American Evangelists is kind of like judging the British by watching Benny Hill. Christian Zionism may be the most bloodthirsty apostasy in the entire history of Christianity or any other religion. Shame on its leaders: they have already brought the blood of untold numbers innocent people down upon the spires and prayer benches of Americas churches. rense/general60/zcre.htm
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 06:17:24 +0000

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