Well I hope this is the first of many Musings and there is - TopicsExpress


Well I hope this is the first of many Musings and there is something in particular that stuck in my head. Someone said to me the other day (Feb 4th 2014) how they admired my fortitude; I had to think for a minute. Fortitude? Courage to keep going despite everything? SO out came the phone and I googled it. Everyone knows I like to know the meanings and origins of a word it’s what Philosophy derives from love of Wisdom or Knowledge. (That is another discussion entirely to which some of you have allready heard but will put it on here one day soon.) The definition of Fortitude was ‘Courage in pain or adversity. she endured her illness with great fortitude synonyms: courage, bravery, strength of mind, strength of character, moral strength, toughness of spirit, firmness of purpose, strong-mindedness, resilience, backbone, spine, mettle, spirit, nerve, pluck, pluckiness, doughtiness, fearlessness, valour, intrepidity, stout-heartedness, endurance; More stoicism, steadfastness, patience, long-suffering, forbearance, tenacity, pertinacity, perseverance, resolve, resolution, resoluteness, determination; Dunkirk spirit; informal guts, grit, spunk. It made me sound like a saint, which made me feel uncomfortable as everyone also knows, of this I am not! Lol. I am after all only human. However I do try to exude fortitude and help inspire it within others as does Mum too with the groups we have run, Positive mental attitute and all that. I just have to remember to inject it into my own daily life. What is the saying? ‘Do as I say not as I do!’ & ‘Healer, heal thy self.’ Well I have been very introspective the last few months, lots of insomnia so too much time to think and pick great holes in what’s passed and what is to be. As it is my birthday this Friday and yet another year closer to 40 I have decided to stop dwelling, deal with, release, move on and live the now not the past. It’s easy to forget when you are not sharing that particular theory with a group, having notworked with the stress management much since late last year, so easy to slip out of a good habit and replace it with a bad one. I suppose that is what lent is all about a yearly reminder to reprogram the way we feel, think and act. A nudge to remind us to be kind, thoughtful, caring. Put ourselves out to help someone else. Generally to help those lost lambs to re-find the flock or themselves whichever is important to them. Well yet again everyone knows I simply refuse to go “BAHHHH”! I am not going to follow the flock; I am stubborn and will always follow my own pathway even if it means striking out on my own and breaking new ground. I suppose the thing is a word that popped up in my last post on my wall was Perseverance. The positive spin on the word stubborn? I have this in spades, have had to over the years, also having 2 stubborn parents (forgive me mother titter, but its true). I suppose therefore my son is right in a way too, it is my fault he too is stubborn as he is part of me and his father, again two stubborn parents. Any way I digress. At the end of the day all of my positive traits are born of my faith in spirituality. I just want to remind folk that Spirituality is not a Religion it a way of life, i like to think a code of ethics, and yes they would be much the same as the Severn Principals. Yes I do believe in God or a higher power (however you wish to label it is down to you) and Angels (only recently began to accept this one in the last few years) and of course the spirit realms (I would not do what I do without them lol) so my beliefs and my faith are what make me who I am, and I do forget quite regularly to be positive, have patience and endure with a smile, but I do get there eventually and when I do my soul soars again and a grin of gratitude goes out to the source of this recollection. ‘I am who I am….’ Love and light my little pixies xx
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:55:17 +0000

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