Well, I just completed converting the last of the illustrations! - TopicsExpress


Well, I just completed converting the last of the illustrations! All thats left is to spend day reworking the opening MAP...ALL good childrens novels need a map with landmarks ;-) (Winnie Pooh, Wind in Willows, etc...) Thanks to everyone for the compliments youve posted and/or emailed me, I appreciate your affording me such praise. Im probablly not as talented as these images might suggest. I generally draw and redraw these MANY times trying to chisle away till theres something there worthwile. Doesnt come as naturally for me as some of our TRULY talented mutual friends. I just dont have that ability to get something down on paper the first time and have it be passable. Also, though 98% of my works are fully original in both work AND concept I must confess that on rare occasions, that 2% of the time, Im just stumped and end up referencing some other image (photo, sketch, etc..) to guide me and work off of. I dont consider that truly original. But most times, the other 98% Im inspired by my own concept and imagery...if I could ONLY then just DO it and not have to spend hours with an eraser working and reworking it, LOL. I dont know how some of our mutual friends who are TRUE artists do it! BUT your compliments inspire and motivate me to continue to push myself to improve and live up to the praise, thank you :-)
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 18:02:30 +0000

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