Well I put some very poignant posts on the Coatbridge Council - TopicsExpress


Well I put some very poignant posts on the Coatbridge Council page, especially the picture glorifying Trident. I posted a link and quote from the BBC page that said that Trident was not placed in Plymouth (the home of the Royal Navy) as it was too near the 250,000 people of Plymouth and would never have been allowed as it was too dangerous and could result in far too many deaths if there was an accident - so they put it in Scotland next to 1 million + people). I suggested they look at themselves, especially if they were voting along party lines and not through free thinking and questioned the true values of the modern Labour party in relation to old. I finished by saying I thought the behaviour of Westminster and the Press was undemocratic - and guess what - it got removed - the big old picture of Trident must have sailed of somewhere. I then posted on another thread to ask what happened, and they prevented me. Than tried another, and they prevented me, then all of a sudden, I got the message saying the page was no longer available - either I have been blocked or maybe they actually read what I said, took note and realised that a Labour council should not be hoodwinking the Scottish people to save the UK labour party and should put their own people first. Please get onto Labour sites, Union sites, Facebook pages, twitter etc. - no mud slinging - just make them ask themselves some questions and look in the mirror - ask them if they believe that survival of the UK Labour party is more important than the rights of the Scots to manage their own affairs; what are we defending ourselves against with trident when we are the aggressors and only face a terrorist threat we created; are the current right centre politics of the Labour Party really what they signed up for? What would the generations before them think? Are they prepared to sleep walk into a lifetime of Tory and UKIP domination as the current polls show that Labour has no Chance of getting into power regardless of Scotland - and the whole go Millibands promises to Scotland are based on him getting power - in effect, wheat he is saying means nothing as he will never get to deliver; ask them if hand on heart, they can deny themselves a chance to give Scotland the chance to have the government it voted for, in all probability get into power and then implement their policies, helping the people and leading by example to the rest of the UK?
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 14:40:49 +0000

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