Well We didnt ride this evening. Shariss had an upset stomach or - TopicsExpress


Well We didnt ride this evening. Shariss had an upset stomach or an ulcer attack again this afternoon. When I went out to get her she was down out on the back of the property. Poor Chance was nuzzling her butt and looking worried over her. She didnt get up when I whistled and called. Not good. So I went and put her halter on her and she got up. I began walking her slowly around the property. She was not energetic at all. I had to truly lead her to get her to walk. Tried giving her carrots and she wouldnt take anything. So I brought her in and went and got her banamine and gave her about half a dose to ease her tummy ache. I brought her grain and led her to where the sweet grass grows on the side of the house. Nope. By this time Dawn had been here with us for awhile and I just walked her alittle more and gave her a couple squirts of water to wash the banamine down and we waited for it to take effect. After a half an hour she began to nibble alittle hay and then we gave her some carrot and she ate that. When she begins to eat alittle and the banamine stops the pain she turns around and gets better as a rule. So she ate a little more and walked around on her own and I put her in the corral with Chance and she was glad to be with him and nibbled and drank. Dawn and I went to sizzler and ate salad bar and talked a while. When we got back Shariss was doing well and munchin still. We talked some more and when Dawn left I have been checking Shariss regularly and she is still munchin and doin ok. Phew! I hate it when she gets a tummy ache. Ill check her a couple times tonight and in the morning. Ill post how shes doing. She should be ok. As long as I catch her ulcer attacks early they usually are pretty mild and respond quickly to a little banamine and some TLC. Thanks Dawn for your help and support. Working with a sick horse alone is kind of a desperate battle. It was so valuable having you around for moral support. Thanks!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 06:11:22 +0000

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