Well after just finishing reading Farmageddon by Phillip Lymberry - TopicsExpress


Well after just finishing reading Farmageddon by Phillip Lymberry and Isabel Oakshott which was unnerving to say the least I started reading Behind the shock machine by Gina Perry.( In 1961 experiments at Yale by Stanley Migram used humans in a Psychology experiment that shocked the world, they were written about by Stanley Milgram himself in Obedience to Authority.) I cant help but think how the 2 books themes are interconnected. In Farmageddon, Lymberry talks of how we have all been sold the lie that intensive factory farming is the only way that we can possibly feed the growing population of our planet, so we scrounged and scrimped to buy the equipment needed and set about to farm in an obviously cruel and unnecessary way because it is what we were told to do, that everyone else was doing it, if you didnt; your farm would go broke, etc etc. In practice though Factory farming wastes more human food than it produces, is horrifically cruel to the animals, feeds them foods their bodies were never intended to process, makes them very ill and uses precious antibiotics can could be used for humans in cases of disease out break, makes us more susceptible to Antibiotic resistant bacteria And lowers the quality and heightens the fat value of our food...And we keep on doing it because we are told it is the best and only way to feed the world, while anyone with their eyes open can see that is just not true. Now that we keep animals indoors to breed and feed what do we do with their wastes that used to naturally go back into the soil to enrich it? We let it leach into our own water supplies and poison that too! The obedience experiments did just that too. Took normal every day people and made them do things they knew were wrong and painful, all because someone in authority told them to. It is about time we all woke up to the great experiments that are going on in our world and see them for what they really are. Our foods and water are being horribly poisoned and the way back from that could be very long but in the meantime we have gone from a century ago most Doctors never seeing a case of cancer in their lifetime to Doctors seeing 1 in 3 patients for cancer. It is time to stop this madness.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:56:13 +0000

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