Well, after my Dr. appointment I was referred to a therapy - TopicsExpress


Well, after my Dr. appointment I was referred to a therapy program. It was an hour and 20 min drive, but I was willing to try anything... Well, I had my first session Monday and I can already tell its NOT for me. It was a group session with approximately 15 people... I didnt get to say a hardly a word the whole time, nor did the therapist for that matter. It seemed that 1-2 certain people in the group took it as their own personal therapy session because they wouldnt let anyone else talk! Also, I found that this group is more directed at general depression and panic/anxiety disorders... Needless to say, by the end of the 3 hours session, I felt myself more annoyed than anything... I literally ran to my car! After talking it over with Rodney and family, I decided to seek help on my own and contact an individual therapist. I will also be attending the Little Angels Support Group which meets the first Thursday of each month and is solely for parents affected by infant or pregnancy loss. Due to the moderate pain Im still having in my abdomen, I also had an ultrasound yesterday just to make sure everything healed properly on the inside... Wont know definitive results until next week, but the ultrasound tech she didnt see anything to worry about. Dr. said as long as everything checks out on the ultrasound, we are free to start trying to conceive right away if we want to. Rodney and I have been discussing it, but were still not sure when exactly we will start actively trying again. We both want kids, but the loss of Wyatt is still so fresh. The threat of losing another child is definitely at the forefront of our minds. Whether we get pregnant next year or 5 years from now, the pregnancy will be stressful... filled with the constant worry of something happening to our baby. We know Wyatt is irreplaceable... that having another baby wont take the pain away and thats definitely not our intention or expectation. I know, for me, being a mother was/is the BEST feeling in the world and I want that feeling again. We have so much to offer to our child if we are allowed the amazing opportunity to be parents again. We may not be the richest couple, but I know our child will be showered with so much love and he or she will never go without. Thats all I have for now, but I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who continue to follow our journey and support us every step of the way! We love you all.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:09:37 +0000

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