Well, apparently facebook, is not going to do anything or take any - TopicsExpress


Well, apparently facebook, is not going to do anything or take any actions what so ever, about that damn Prime minister of Japan page reporting my name, pages, and some of my photos to Facebook.. but, this does not surprise me, one little bit! facebook has a very nasty habit of not taking things seriously when us animal rights activist complain, but yet.. if some deviant reports something they either take is serious, or if you happen to have done nothing wrong, they punish YOU for it! I am so damn fed up, with facebook and their unfair bullshit! and you do know.. that the founder of this site Mark Zuckerburg is not only a Hunter but, his girlfriend/wife is of Asian decent. so... that could very well explain why, that page, wont get any heat from harassing people who comment on it! below.. is the Report Facebook had sent to my private email address, it reads as follows... Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the page you reported for harassment and found it doesnt violate our Community Standards. Note: If you have an issue with something on the page, be sure to report the content (ex: a photo), not the entire page. That way, your report will be more accurately reviewed. Report Date Yesterday Owner Prime Ministers Office of Japan Reason Harassment Can you believe this crap!! I dont know why, I even bother reporting anything to facebook, let alone.. use their damn site! Oh well, lets continue on with our battles that we must fight! Today is another day.. and hopefully it will be a BLUE Cove day today.. I am not happy seeing all this RED, all over my page.. Blue, is a MUCH happier and much more beautiful color to have up! PAWS, CLAWS, FINS AND FLUKES CROSSED FOR A BLUE COVE DAY! JUST A LITTLE WORD OF ADVICE TO EVERYONE.. UNLESS YOU WANT THE SAME THING HAPPENING TO YOU AND YOUR PAGE/S I WOULDNT COMMENT ON THE PRIME MINISTERS OF JAPAN PAGE ANYMORE.. FIND SOME OTHER AVENUE AND PAGES TO COMMENT ON, OR WRITE LETTERS AND EMAILS TO. AS FACEBOOK, CAN AND DOES, HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO REMOVE ANYONES PROFILE PAGE OR THEIR OTHER PAGES, IF THEY SEE FIT TO DO SO.. AND WE CANNOT ALLOW TO LOSE ALL OF OUR INFO , PHOTOS POST, NOT TO MENTION OUR FANS, AND ALL THE HARD WORK IT TAKES, TO RUN AND MANAGE A PAGE ON FACEBOOK.. SO, GOOD SOME GOOD ADVICE, UNLESS YOUR WILLING TO RISK LOSING ONE OR BOTH OF YOUR ACCOUNTS HERE ON FACEBOOK, LIKE I SAID.. I WOULD JUST FIND OTHER AVENUES, PAGES, AND ORGANIZATIONS TO EMAIL, AND WRITE LETTERS TOO. WE ARE NOT GIVING UP.. WE ARE SIMPLY PROTECTING ALL THE HARD WORK THAT AS GONE INTO THIS PAGE AND THE HARD WORK AND MANY HOURS I HAVE SPENT WORKING AND NETWORKING ON BOTH OF MY PAGES. EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE TIMES, WHEN OBSTACLES GET IN OUR WAY.. WE MUST ALL CONTINUE ON, WITH OUR FIGHT! THE ANIMALS ARE DEPENDING ON ALL OF US, TO STAND UP FOR THEM AND BE THEIR VOICES. ~ Bobbie~
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 19:33:37 +0000

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