Well, besides all the practicing and working on my - TopicsExpress


Well, besides all the practicing and working on my guitar/singing... Im trying to pull a Steve Austin (six million dollar man) trick to and REBUILD myself. LOL! Ive got to get the weight off... so, for the last 3 weeks Ive been slowly getting myself into a new change of attitude and schedule of eating less (in particular for lunch) and exercising... Ive gotten Pat to start helping me do healthy salads at least 3 times a week or more, also working on reduced intake on the remaining lunches and even a slight paring down of supper dishes (I never do breakfast anyways or seldom do so nothing there to change.) Ive never been a big snacker or sweets guy, but I will admit on occasion eating late at night...so Im working on reducing that late snacking to NIL, or at the worst, eating a bonified healthy snack...like a healthy cereal (Special K) or one of their health/weight snacky bars. For work outs... im trying to be more active in general, but for dedicated working out Im doing 50 each, jumping jacks, swims (forward and back strokes) side bends, waist bends (no I cant touch my toes yet, lol,) leg raises forward AND backward and also doing push ups (or outs) by using the counter to push against...yes I know that isnt the same as a REAL push-up, but hey, I cant get down on the floor right now. gah! Anyway, just today I added a 200 count step on the tread mill. Im shooting for this EVERY DAY, but in reality Im only managing about five or so days a week...which seems plenty to get started. I also hope to gradually increase the number of reps on the exercises Im doing. So far, three weeks and counting... its painful, I hate it, but Im not stopping till I get it done. Ive not lost any huge amount...barely a couple of pounds... YET. But I hope to at some point if I keep hammering away on it. I HAVE seen some results though as to how my clothes are starting to fit and so hope that at least is a sign that something good is going on. I know Ill never likely return to my trim and fit PRE-FAT weight and build... and thats okay. But if I can just do enough to feel good about myself... THEN, Ill be just fine. Steve Austin, I aint and will never be... but I am CERTAIN that I can rebuild myself without six million dollars and Doctor Oscar Goldmans bionic help! I WILL do it. ;-)
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 21:59:41 +0000

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