Well for the last six years our Senate and House of Reps. have - TopicsExpress


Well for the last six years our Senate and House of Reps. have been the most ineffective group of people, their unwillingness to put the needs of this country ahead of their petty money grubbing self indulgent ideals have caused us to be a laughing stock of the world. And no I dont think that this is just the Presidents fault. Even though many out there point out that everything that happens is because of him. From all he gets blamed for he must be the most powerful human on this earth. And I dont feel he is without blame. But back to the beginning If we dont start by cleaning out the senate and the house and elect people who will start working together for the USA. Then just like the last 50 years we will get what we deserve. Get involved, stop pointing out that those whose views differ from yours are wrong because they dont agree with you. We are a diverse country and we wont always see eye to eye that doesnt mean that they are stupid or maybe even wrong. If your tired of being screwed by your governments local, state and federal then get involved and makes some changes. We began as a country of immigrants with ideas on how to change the world and make it better. And we did, thats why millions have come here. But we forgot that the process is about the collective whole not just a select few who are in power. United we stand and divide we fall and I personally think that if we dont start working together and if we dont learn how to compromise. We will fall, just like other great and powerful societies. Its coming whether you believe it or not. We can get involved now or after the choice is ours.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:48:53 +0000

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