Well friends, its been 24 hours almost since we first broke the - TopicsExpress


Well friends, its been 24 hours almost since we first broke the news that the carousel was going to be saved. And you heard it here first. Like I always tell you, if you hear it from me, youre hearing it from a very good inside source. I live in Seaside Heights for all of my life, and my brother is a Councilman in Seaside Heights, and my goal in life is to be a Councilman in Seaside Heights. As you can see, I spend all day, every day trying to make Seaside Heights a better place. You can see how much time I devote to this. I am on top of things. It couldnt have given me greater pleasure to have broken that news to you, and I want to really thank my friend Christopher J. Vaz, who let me break the first word this. He knew first. He knew how much Id like to be the one to tell our viewers here, and we ended up being the first to know anywhere. I also wanted to say that I continuously have stated that I think Seaside Heights has an extremely bright future ahead of it. The expansion of the Casino Pier is going to be a very big part of this. Imagine that its likely to be 200 feet wider, with a new roller coaster and giant ferris wheel. Thats going to be huge for Seaside Heights. With the possibility that the carousel would go to the north end too, this would come alive the northern part of the Borough. The southern tip of the boardwalk, the Seaside Park area, we have no control over, although we expect that to redevelop too, but now theres all this expansive growth for the north, in the heart of the Borough. The Seaside Heights total amusement area is going to be as big as ever. Casino Pier will likely be bigger than ever before. Additionally, this year is coming the 18 1/2 foot dune project to Seaside Heights. So, in addition to all these new property changes, Seaside Heights is going to have this vastly new look with the new dunes. All this physical change is coming with a psychological change too. The attitude of Seaside Heights is changing. As of this summer, a new administration has taken over in the Borough, and not to mention him again, but its Chris Vaz, and he has plans to re-market the town, vastly increase the volume of advertising that we do, make positive change towards a better resort community, what we should be. Without getting into a whole bunch of specifics, just put it this way: the planning being done for the Summer of 2015 is starting right now, and is more thoughtful and well planned then for the last ten years combined. This is a big and exciting time. I will leave you with this thought. In the fall of 2012, we thought it was the end. We thought we might never recover. Obviously that was not true. In the fall of 2013, we have that awful fire, and everything looked liked it sucked, and we wondered if we had a future. And then earlier this summer, we were all bummed out because we were losing our carousel. We were all thinking the worst. Now all of a sudden the carousel is saved, and the future looks bright. We can look ahead to prosperity in our resort community. Its here for those of us who didnt give up.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 22:04:48 +0000

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