Well i went to town with the intention of treating troubles to a - TopicsExpress


Well i went to town with the intention of treating troubles to a bacon and chees rap from greggs doing shopping and going back home instead we left at ten got to town to find someone playing some decent live music so we sat on the gras listening dancing and running around to the music got his bacon and cheese rap and a priate cake with a pirate ring and when we left there to go home walk half way back up the highstreet and troubles then gets to watch a mini circus act by the circus in town and managed to chat up the ladys haha think hes had a awesome morning u know i have loved every secound but if i wasnt hanging before i am now lol about 34hrs strait awake and still going another nght tonight then im of till sunday gonna need the recuperation but am soo glad ive managed to take troubles out and spoil him rotten love the fact my baby loves live music and is quit happy to dance infrount of everyone and sing.. Hopefully it would of helped trouble to understand abit bless.. Love all my family so much xxx
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 14:14:00 +0000

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