Well it was quite a night Tuesday! I could not be more excited - TopicsExpress


Well it was quite a night Tuesday! I could not be more excited about the opportunity that awaits! To the team of my friends and family that worked so hard to make this happen, words cannot express how grateful I am to all of you. I want to thank my friends and neighbors in District 9 for electing me. It is truly a special feeling to have so many believe in you! I want to congratulate Annette Parker on her victory. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Mr. Adamic for his many years of service. I look forward to working with Annette, the rest of the board, and County Executive Larry Walsh, to make Will County an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. I also want to take a second to acknowledge the friends I have made through the past year, the other candidates. Judge Kennedy, we made an early connection and worked well combining efforts to cover the ground. You and your team showed us the path to success, thank you! Laurie Summers, I am so proud to call you a friend. You were everywhere. You put your life on hold while you were out there trying to make a difference. I am so grateful for your kindness and constant encouragement. Every time we saw each other, you made sure to offer something to build my confidence. Moira Dunn, we shared a bond this past year. Countless texts about the craziness of it all! It was great having a friend to experience this with me. We were there for each other, and we both needed it! Mike Kelley, I believe this will be your victory in the end! We teamed up for mail, parades, and knocking the doors. Two regular people, trying to change things. Its been a grind, and for you a little longer. Im proud to have had your help, and excited to work with you in the future! Finally, I want to thank the Building Trades members, who brought us together with Natalie Manley, & Larry Walsh Jr. Their efforts over the past month to hit the doors, really helped carry us to the finish line. Thank you all so much for everything you did along the way!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 15:04:09 +0000

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