Well, its been an amazing summer to say the least...and as we - TopicsExpress


Well, its been an amazing summer to say the least...and as we finish making our potato salads, pack all the coolers and pool toys, gather up the beach towels and get ready to salute in appreciation to the worlds greatest military for their service...tonight is the first night of high school football in PA. Although I wait all year for this season to begin, my nerves still get the best of me on the First Friday Night Lights. To say that I am watching the clock is an understatement...and I just hope I make it to Penns Valley H.S. in time. I am reposting from last years first game sentiments, even though the boys are a year older...I dont think these feelings will ever need to be updated:). Here goes... Unless you live under a rock, you might have seen a fb post, TV commercial, store sale or co-worker chirping about the beginning of football season. Tonight is my Tyler’s first varsity football game, as a Freshmen. And To me, he is still my little bud. Since he started taking QB snaps with the first team offense earlier this summer, I have been trying to think of something profound to say to him before he runs on to the field tonight…actually I just realized, it’s down to just a few hours before game time. Uggh- I’ve had days, weeks and yes a month or two to come up with this motivational quote, prayer, video, speech, song or even just a quick photo upload to his cell. Feeling like a failure, I have nothing, even though I have considered just about everything. I could tell him things in the realm of...”Life is a game of inches”, “Some of us are destined to be great”, quotes from Lombardi, war vets, Ralph Emerson or (my favorite) Kid President. What about a clip from Any Given Sunday, Pursuit of Happiness or Facing the Giants...Ick-so cliché! Come on!, I say to myself. Be original! All I need is a simple collection of words that may be insignificant seen individually, but strung together in the right rhythm can inspire...can inspire what?...What the heck am I trying to say anyway? Do I tell him how I am proud of him no matter the final score? Do I tell him he can sit on the bench-have the cleanest uniform when the final horn blares, and he would still be my favorite MVP? This is the kid that came home from his first little smurf practice (10 years ago) and was so excited to have his own helmet, that he fell asleep with it still firmly placed on his head, chin strap snapped and all. I don’t think he even took it off to eat dinner. Does he know that I understand that he may not be able to concentrate in class, fully engage with teachers or want to recite the alphabet in Spanish today? I know this, because I too will struggle to write one complete clear sentence on email or finish a conversation over the phone, and all I have to do is show up before 7pm. My stomach is in knots. And No, it’s not because I am worried about winning. I’m not really sure what I am worried or nervous about. I guess maybe some of the typical Mom stuff like bones, bruises, ankles and ACLs. Or hearing a fan yell something negative in his direction…or possibly that he won’t have enough protein, water or carbohydrates before the game. Will his digestive tract take on a personality of its own, will he be able to cover up the quiver in his huddle voice calling the plays? Will it be everything that he has dreamed about for so long, or will he be disappointed after all the hype? Tyler’s always been the calm voice of reason….well, when he decides to speak anyways. Around the same time he joined the Juniata smurf football team, he was starting his second year of Pre-School. His teachers advised he wasn’t ready for Kindergarten yet because he barely would say a word throughout an entire day of class or recess. Now I can hear his deep, raspy, old man Cadence loud and clear from the 50 yard line-all the way to the top of the grandstands. Honestly, I thought one of the senior backs was calling out cadence first time I heard it this year. Nope, that’s my little Tyler making his way as a confident teammate, surrounded by players who live for each other, coaches who sacrifice personal family time, and parents who spend hours getting the field, concessions and pre-game meals ready…just for days like today. I have come to the realization, that Tyler doesn’t need me to motivate or inspire him for tonight’s game. He has been the one inspiring me…all these 15 short years. Funny how we think we need to be the perfect Mom for our kids and help them through any big memorable experience in their life. But in the end, he is the one helping ME get through this day… So in very “non-profound” fashion, I simply say “Good Luck” to all players of all ages debuting in any competition tonight. And more importantly, a special, heart felt “Go Get ‘Em!” to your Mom’s.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:37:02 +0000

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