Well, its happened. I am continually getting tagged or sent the - TopicsExpress


Well, its happened. I am continually getting tagged or sent the youtube video of a trick shooting archer from Denmark, that exploded over night on the internet. SO the idea of it and what not is cool and semi interesting, but in all honesty I could not watch the video without cringing the whole time and saying no every time the narrator said something (or probably). Now, I found the manuscript they mention and plan on reading it and compare it but until I get more information or logic behind his style, Im going to feel wrong about it. Go ahead and ask me why I feel this way, but warning you might get a nice long response. In the end, majority of this video felt wrong to me or was lacking an incredibly important piece. I mean, I dont discourage the guy from doing what hes doing, he obviously loves it but to encourage it? I wont. Ive learned a whole lot over the past decade (and more) of shooting and have accepted the fact that there is more than one way to shooting a bow and arrow, history proves it. But his reasoning behind his methods are incredibly off especially about discrediting the style I shoot (that I can talk about for hours Im sure). I have an argument for almost all of the presentation and for the parts I dont, I havent studied far into his style of shooting to say other wise. I plan on asking a few other people about it mainly because I know this video will throw massive amounts of questions to me from my students and customers. I actually might make a separate post about my findings. But until then, yes I have seen the video and think the fact that people tag me in it or send it to me because they know my interest is awesome, but I am waaaaaaay to done with this guy until I get all the facts.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:15:42 +0000

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