Well just getting over the flu hopefully had it for 10 days now - TopicsExpress


Well just getting over the flu hopefully had it for 10 days now what a way to spend on your weekend birthday but I was invited to dinner by my sister and her counselor she was the only family member I got to see so it was nice My son Dave & Jodi called to wish me a Happy Birthday which was nice too but they are so far away and they both worked that day then friends of mine Andy & Nanette called so I guess I was not forgotten I did have some antibotics from the surgery left so I took those for 3 days I think that helped me but the nights are the worst all I do is cough like there is no end but today I feel a little better I managed to clean the house so that is a plus like my son Dave says my mom is a clean freak and creature of habit. So my other dilemma was the bright red spot on my knee I found on Sunday natures birthday present kind of scared me so on Monday I found another red bump spot on the back of my knee so I was not happy about that so I gave it a couple of days to see if it would go away it did not hurt so I said to myself it will disappear. On Wednesday it was still there so I called Doctor Adelberg and he told me to come in so I did I had a idea what it was but I just wanted to make sure So he made me walk up the corridor which I had no problem so he looked at it and he asked me what do you use to ice the knee I told him I have a gel ice pack from CVS and he asked me do you put it directly on the knee and I said yes well he then said I was the only person that he knew of that got frost bite in August dummy dummy me I had a idea and it was from the ice pack he said it will take a few day to go away but he still says I am the energizer bunny because of the fast recovery well have a great day everyone again thanks for everyone who remembered my birthday Bye
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 19:50:56 +0000

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