Well my faith in mankind is a bit smaller and disillusioned today. - TopicsExpress


Well my faith in mankind is a bit smaller and disillusioned today. I dont do black friday, bright green tuesday or any other color shopping day but today i needed a pair of bluejeans, mistake number 1 i stopped at walmart. Mistake number 2 i actually went against all instincts for survival and went in. Mistake number 3 i underestimated the complete animalistic attitude people have to save 20$. Mistake number 4 the idea i have that people are basically decent. Wrong. I have never seen such unbridled avarice, or insatiable greed and open hostility towards thier fellow man as i did today. Im disgusted and appalled. I actually broke up a fight between two 30ish women, both with kids screaming, over some electronic gadget for a kid. The walmart employee was in tears and not one frigging soul was stopping to help. Im no lite weight, as men go im huge, but it took all i had to wade in and get them apart ! Im all for saving money but at what cost to your heart and soul ? Bragging rights ? What few expectations i have for other people were crushed today. Older people cursing younger people, younger people with no regard for anyone or anything. I gotta say if this is what christmas has become, i think me and my dog will quietly celebrate it alone. Whats happened to people ? When did our moral compasses get so far off track ? I think im going to drink a few margaritas and hope people can actually remember what this season is about. Hope they get a sense of humility, kindness, gratitude, goodwill toward thier fellow man, love. The people i watched today makes me lose hope for tomorrow. Im actually ashamed for them.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:48:14 +0000

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