Well said Daniel. I agree with you wholeheartedly! Daniel - TopicsExpress


Well said Daniel. I agree with you wholeheartedly! Daniel writes... I watched this video (link below) - and this is what popped into my head . As a species, were so tiny and insignificant in a Universe far bigger than we can possibly comprehend. Each Galaxy has millions upon millions of stars, and there are millions upon millions of Galaxies. I mean .. Space ... its seriously big. And just when you think you realise how big it truly is. Guess again, because its so much bigger than that. There are more stars than there are grains of sand. Thats pretty big right? I cant believe how ignorant we are as a species when we talk about religion when we havent got a blinking clue, just a couple of hundred thousand years into it - and we think we know everything. To think that we could know the mind of god when were just milliseconds old in comparison with the universe beggars belief. And the sheer size of it, to imagine it would conjured up by a superbeing simply for us. Its ignorance on an enormous scale, being thought through by a hairless primate who struggles to understand compound interest and credit card debt. Anyone who thinks they have the answer to it all , simply doesnt understand the question well enough. And that folks, is why the answer is 42. Because were not old enough as a species to understand it. Douglas Adams got it, thats why the answer is mutually exclusive to the universe - you cant have the right question and the answer in the same universe - his take on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. If we were that bright to truly know the mind of god, there would be no war. No poverty. No hunger. No murder. We would cherish each and every one of us. And that, probably, is why religion pisses me off so much. Were simply not old enough as a species to understand what were doing to ourselves, to our planet, to our future generation, so we continue to hurt each other instead of realising were all interconnected. Were all one. Were all the same. Were all god, interconnected by our thoughts and our actions. But then again, what do I know. Im milliseconds old like the rest of us, and just as ignorant as the next person in this incredibly young species we call humans This is a great article with video to boot : businessinsider/r-new-map-shows-milky-way-lives-in-laniakea-galaxy-complex-2014-9?utm_content=bufferd7539&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=buffer
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:20:31 +0000

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