Well, thank GOD the President knows about this!! This is an - TopicsExpress


Well, thank GOD the President knows about this!! This is an important story. By now everybody knows about the shooting at LAX. It was tragic, and I am sure when an actual journalist gets on this story we will find what we ALWAYS find in these cases; that the shooter was disturbed, everyone in his circle knew it, he should have been on medication. That said…..let’s do a little analysis. There are a few video clips imbedded in this article, and you need to listen to them and I am going to tell you why. abcnews.go/US/tsa-agent-killed-lax-shooting-suspect-custody/story?id=20754881 The first important point is to realize that first hand accounts do not reflect the media accounts; the man in the first clip was on site and a witness and said that the shooter was using a pump shotgun and a hand gun. What did the media tell you? That he was carrying an “assault rifle”. Let’s be real specific here; the US media misled by US politicians has no idea as to what an assault rifle is. To the media anything that is not a knife is an assault weapon, they don’t know shit about shit, especially the real world. Another point, and I am excusing nobody that kills innocent people and making no excuses for people being violent in public, but I find it ironic that so many people are confused that this gunmen went after TSA agents. Man, if you were a deranged gunman wouldn’t the TSA be at the top of the list? I mean USPS employees have been shooting up the USPS for two decades…….and all the USPS does is provide poor service at great taxpayer expense. The TSA has been in business about 12 years providing NO service whatsoever. Why wouldn’t a deranged gunman target the TSA? Shit, I feel like doing it every time I fly, which is frequently. Notice that, other than the airport police, that usually have their job because they can’t get on with the city or the feds, nobody had a gun to defend themselves. The one witness that was interviewed said that he stacked up luggage and he and his wife hid behind the stack. That would have saved him from a BB gun, but that is about it. Why? Have we not figured that gun toting nutjobs never go into places where citizens can return fire? Over and over and over again, SMART PEOPLE (not Boxer or Schumer), have stated what has been statistically correct; the best defense against gun violence, is legal gun owners, that are carrying a weapon, loaded and with a round chambered. And that is me. And that is my wife, the lovely Janet. And these liberal idiots will NEVER grasp that truth, because they do not WANT to grasp that truth. They WANT to believe that gun violence is a product of guns, when in truth, all evidence shows that public safety is the product of legal gun owners. Now, there is a bigger back story here. President Obama is kept advised of this happening (Of course that is out of the mouth of Jay Carney, a skilled and professional liar, so we don’t even know if that is true). Really? He is being kept advised on the progress of this incident…..but not Benghazi? Not the IRS scandal? Not the NSA scandal? Not the lies over Obamacare? Not the looming economic disaster in this nation? Seriously? This President gets involved in multitudes of shit which are immaterial to the greater good of this nation, but can’t be bothered to address things that REALLY MATTER TO ALL OF US? And now we have the whole global warming bullshit codified in an executive order? I am sorry the TSA agent was killed, I am, I don’t wish anyone killed by violence (except for the ones I have killed by violence). But I want the source of the violence, which is not a gun, properly addressed. I can promise you that had I been at LAX in my normal capacity, then the shooter wouldn’t have killed himself, I’d have done the heavy lifting double tap on that one. But the good news is that Obama is informed. He doesn’t know shit about anything else going on in this country, but he knows about this.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:50:15 +0000

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