Well that was fun wasnt it :-) Id come on my own and although a - TopicsExpress


Well that was fun wasnt it :-) Id come on my own and although a lot was aimed at groups, there was plenty and I mean plenty for a solo character to get involved in. In fact, there was a ton of stuff I missed. But I cant complain as I had some amazing roleplay with the denizens of the old quarter. Please please please, keep them and their shady underworld very much part of the game. As well as getting some great roleplay with loads of players. Everyone put so much into this event, I was stunned at how awesome the set dressing was, and the stalls just wow!!! Special effects clever and spectacular, costumes and props (yep bar raised again) just magical. The food was exquisite, by the way! Id love to be able to recommend your caterer but I didnt catch the trading name. Id also just want to praise the system. It works, categorically, without exception. How liberating it felt to be constrained only by my imagination and not some manual of lengthy burdensome rules. The boundaries set by what rules you had were simple and gave everyone in my opinion more scope to roleplay than any other Larp Ive been too in the past. And just how fair everyone was with the system too, it really proved how good a game can be when players are trusted and fulfill that trust. It also made the threat level in the game very intense when you have no idea what the other characters can do! Well done Mythlore, your events rock!!!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 17:19:03 +0000

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