Well, things just took a down turn. Went to the P.O. Box Friday - TopicsExpress


Well, things just took a down turn. Went to the P.O. Box Friday evening and there was a packet from my exs lawyer. I took it home and set it aside without opening - deciding I wanted to enjoy my weekend and probably couldnt do anything about it until Monday anyway. My son came down tonight to leave Sarah Terv with me for the week since he has to fly out to Phoenix, AZ tomorrow on business. He did some honey-dos for me such as fixing my new tablet and changing some outside lights that require climbing a ladder up to the roofline. Then he asked if I minded if he looked at the papers from the lawyer. I said no and then he said Mom you need to look at these NOW! Seems the papers were sent without sufficient notice and not by certified or registered mail to tell me there is a hearing scheduled about my van in Pennsylvania and my sons first reading thought it was MONDAY at 8:45 am. Turns out he misread the date and it is Tues but that is STILL not sufficient notice. I dont even have a lawyer since my lawyer from the divorce has since retired. So now I have to drive all the way to PA, pay for two nights in a hotel, sit on the doorstep of the lawyer I use to work for and hope he can go to court with me on Tues. morning. Probably have to spend most of the day Monday catching him up on the case and Sunday printing out information about the case for him. I have to come up with a $500 retainer and then pray the court makes my ex pay the legal bills for this lawyer too since this is once more his fault. All of this because my ex cannot seem to understand I am not refusing to sign papers on my van, I am refusing to apply for a LOAN. Two reasons - 1) the settlement says he is to put my name on the van and does NOT say I have to apply for a loan and 2) my credit was so throughly destroyed by his actions during the divorce I CANNOT QUALIFY FOR A LOAN - not now and probably not ever. So there is no sense in me applying for a loan that is going to be turned down and the refusal will do MORE damage to my credit. I cannot understand why this man who supposedly has a genius IQ cannot understand that it is a waste of time for me to apply for a loan. I am sick to my stomach, shaking and having heart arrythmias from stress. I just want this man to GO AWAY. I plan to clean out my van tomorrow before I drive up there in case I have to leave it or it gets seized since it is illegal because he has refused for TWO YEARS to do what is necessary to make it legal. The van is totally in his name and I cannot do anything with it. This man is a total nightmare.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 04:57:14 +0000

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