Well this is getting good! Cal is running for Navajo Nation - TopicsExpress


Well this is getting good! Cal is running for Navajo Nation President. I just found out, like 5 minutes ago. ..and so it goes, the dance!! Everyone seems to be part of the Presidents club, in some way. A lot of brown in that Townhall Meeting, interesting we didnt really learn anything, maybe we interrupted the Presidents club at a Campaign Rally, lol you think?? I dont think any of us walked away with answers to the same questions that have CREATED SO MUCH ANIMOSITY in the minds of these men. You would think, after we were forced to live in 3rd world conditions for 60 years, almost had to sell our water as we had fight to them off for the legal water rights, they took our Ke, our family, land, heart, soul, happiness, made us suffer all our lives, killed my father, our livestock was practically given away, they broke us, broke our hearts, our lives were never the same, all for the sake of Peabody coal, it is ashamed they dont see it like we lived it!! They still dont have answers, give them an ID 10 T card, claiming after all this suffering being exposed to Uranium, our families dying from diseases we never even heard of, some women couldnt have children and people are still dying with horrible deaths, we watch, cant help, just comfort them, cry every time we talk about it THEY STILL DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO, WHAT LAW TO USE, TO COME TO OUR AID AND ACKNOWLEDGE THIS EXISTS AS THE MOST UNCONSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT OF ANY NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, we lived it we live, AND THEY DONT KNOW WHICH LAW TO USE!! As God is my witness, say something, tell them we suffered, fight for us now, lets talk about these real problems!! They happened, I am living proof, I seen it all, they took my happiness. I have never been happy again, felt what happiness was, how total happiness feels anymore because these laws, THEY CHANGED ME, THEY BROKE ME AND TOOK EVERYTHING I LOVED. I REALLY THINK THIS IS A NO BRAINER!! lol They dont know which law to use?? LOL OMGsh, LMBO, it is called a TREATY!! We signed 9 Treaties with the US, only 2 were ratified. The Treaty of 1848, where they took the entire territory of New Mexico, and claimed it as their own. Divide and Conquer attitude, that still exists today. To me that warrants water to every single Native American Navajo in existence in our world, the land that was promised to us without some stupid Land law with so much red tape. They didnt even make it complicated to take the land from the Navajo, using the signed interpreters to make such a bogus deal. What about that, all you Presidential hopefuls?? In most other treaties it claims things like, we had to stop taking white people as slaves, and return them to their homes. Imagine that, no wonder they didnt treat us like they did the African American race, they beat them, as they did to make them submissive. They did everything to us, so unbelieveably inhumane, and THEY STILL DONT KNOW WHICH LAW TO USE TO PROTECT OUR HOME LAND?? LOL That is a no brainer, it Is called The Treaty of 1868; between the United States and the Navajo people!! I believe in believing a Navajo Lawyer, then things will change!! I am sure they will know what law to use!! UGH!! Well, all of this information is the most important information these candidates should be quoting, our history should matter, I wonder if they even know our basic Navajo history. I think not, by experience I know they dont, shame, shame, shame!!! (Shaking my head!!) It is so easy to get into the Presidents club, WE DONE THAT already, without a brown nose, too. It had nothing to do with walking around asking the same stupid questions, four years ago, and they are still bumping heads, asking the same questions, but they think they look good, in their minds they are very important, even kept taking the mic away, and wouldnt share it with some very important people that were treated as less than, but they think they looked good, they are still jettin around, yeah, weve been on planes too. I just dont know, anymore, I have many questions, now which of them lived this mess too??? Which of them know what it Is like to watch your grandparents go through hell, died fighting, crying, still loving their homes, which as that point was only a happy memory, how many of them know what that feels like, how many of them suffered at the hand of the US GOVERNMENT?? After the US GOVERNMENT ADMITTED TO THE WRONGS THAT BROUGHT US TO THIS POINT, THE US SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR ADMITTED, and they dont know what to do. They didnt even lose anything, gave all that money out and Coal Mine Mesa, where they moved our whole community, tortured my family, promised to help us rebuild, didnt get a dime!! GO FIGURE!! I IKNOW, same ole story, they dont even know any better. Yep, give them all an ID 10 T CARD, they all deserve one!! Have a good evening, my opinion of course. .......but hey, Ill bet that ID 10 T CARD will get them some serious clout at the Casino they bought with our money. Yes the very money meant for the purpose of rebuilding to the people, we are still waiting and wondering when the payoff comes, apparently with the Local Governance Act we in Coal Mine Mesa get what out of it?? Throw me a number, how much does Coal Mine get?? Ill bet it isnt much, even before everyone takes their share off the top, by the time it filters back to the people of Coalmine, Western Navajo, even isnt much, that is a joke. Yep, those ID 10 T CARDS, LOL ;)
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 01:59:55 +0000

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