Well, todays the day. Ive been writing about JFK for 2 months now - TopicsExpress


Well, todays the day. Ive been writing about JFK for 2 months now and I havent even begun. I want to talk about the title of James Douglass book about why JFKs death still matters. Well, I guess everyone has to decide for themselves. For me, JFK compels me to thank my parents and grandparents. Ive heard my father and my moms parents say some the wisest things and completely outsmart and outwit college grads with their 9th grade educations. I remember my dad telling me about how his parents and siblings gathered around the radio and listened to Orson Welles talk about the martian invasions and what, half the country believed it?? People were going nuts in some places? But my dads family laughed and had a good time with the entertainment. Less than 30 years later, the same stunt was tried in Dallas. Haul some minimum wage worker out of a theater and accuse him of double murder and murder him on national T.V. in a police station (controlled environment) and see how folks react. Put us in a useless war if people dont revolt and thats just what was done. But again, I came from a family and their friends who again said, no way! I think of my dad and some friends of ours who stayed up late in a Hibbing restaurant a few different times when I was home from college and we would discuss JFK and world events. Those were important times. JFK matters to me because lies beget more lies. Did Vietnam really stop the spread of communism or was it just an excuse to open up the check books and spend us to doomsday? Does an arms race really stop wars? Was Reagan ever going to bomb Iran over a CIA orchestrated hostage crisis? Did John Hinckley Jr. really shoot Reagan to impress Jodi Foster? Did Sirhan Sirhan really write RFK must die many times in a notebook like Jack Nicholson in The Shining? Could anyone be that upset over a presidential candidate when the primaries werent even over? And who would ever have imagined 100,000,000 ballots getting trashed and 9 people getting to pick the next president? Democracy is no good unless you are brave enough to defend it. And I will defend Oswald until someone shows me an actual picture of Oswald with a gun in his hands pointed at the president at 12:30 p.m. on Nov. 22nd, 1963. Oh, and while youre at it, a picture of a slain Bin Ladin would be nice, too.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 15:01:16 +0000

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