Well tomorrow morning William will be leaving st.louis and we wont - TopicsExpress


Well tomorrow morning William will be leaving st.louis and we wont arrive on home soil til 7.30 am the next day ...going to be a long journey home but just so pleased Williams got the all clear to travel even tho I do still have to admit iam concerned should his scar ever start to swell again the worry of the costs involved, the time it takes to get back here and so much more that spins in my head but have to stay postive and keep looking to the future and keep faith :) I know william has missed two months of schooling but we have learned so much while we have been here ..inbetween all that happened , the ops, the stays in hopsital and the bed rest ..the spare time we have had near the end we have spent in museums and galleries and at any fun events ..we have learned of the native Americans and how amazing this land was when it was their land , their traditions and way of life . This I have found so moving , their artistry skills , deep spiritual teachings so much more advanced than any history lesson taught us ..what lies those cowboy western films told us as kids lol .... Sad we dont all learn from history...its all been a moving experience . I love how everything is accessible here . Been a real eye opener tho from one block away you can drive from a run down part to a rich affluent trendy part in just minutes ..the divide is great and shocking ..its like two worlds spin simultaneously along one another ..one rich ..one poor ..those that have ..those that dont ...you could only really live here if middle class or above hope no one is offended by me saying this its just my opinion ...I have found every one amazing despite this ..from all sides ..I didnt listen to advice of ooh dont go to that part ..We went everywhere to run down poor areas to flash and trendy parts even if we couldnt afford anything I wanted William to see it and experience it all and decide for ourself and we have loved the great variation of it all ..what food had left over gave to the homeless tonight and met some amazing people ..this experience really makes me want to do good for others I feel so blessed having had the help I have had for William hope to pass it on one day ..Williams loved it here too but he does miss home so much saying that his stay here hes come out of his shell so much , he used to be quite embaressed about his wheelchair and splints but here hes grown in confidence after his op and blossoming so we cant wait to get back home and start a new life with all we have learned here its been an amazing experience despite the trauma , tears and bad luck but held on in and its all turned around now we feel we are blessed and our soul so much richer for this experience :) America you are amazing , your history , heritage , people ..we thank you for having us ..England sweet home we will soon be there back on sweet soil at last :)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:15:20 +0000

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