Well well...so tað er kanska her at verunligi hundurin liggur - TopicsExpress


Well well...so tað er kanska her at verunligi hundurin liggur grivin hjá Kaj L.H.Johannesen, løgmanni, ið ikki kundi greiða fá nøkrum við skili í, nú tað bleiv so alneyðugt at fáa trumla ígjøgnum eina loyniliga avlurting og eygleiðing av øllum landsins borgarum. TPP-sáttmálin minnir sera nógv um CIP- konstruktiónina har sjálvt løgtings- og landsstýrisfolk máttu skriva undir og hava vakt standandi, um tit vildu síggja famøsa piparnøtusáttmálan. Er Kaj ikki bara ein hentur KLOVNUR så donsku og amerikansku yvirvøldini? Okkurt sum kann benda tann vegin, men óhugnaligt sær út fyri framman um hetta skal blíva framtíðar frælsið...... The Trans-Pacific Partnership — which some have called “NAFTA on Steroids” — is coming, and threatening to create a corporate-dominated and corporate-policed world. WikiLeaks released the shocking draft text of the secret trade agreement this morning. This morning, WikiLeaks released a draft chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, a secretive multinational trade agreement which threatens to severely restrict intellectual property rights around the planet, potentially creating “supranational” courts without human rights safeguards (according to WikiLeaks) and forcing ISPs to police copyrights. It may also allow corporations the ability to override domestic courts and sue governments directly, effectively and officially putting multinational corporations in the dominant power position on the planet. (The Huffington Post has a good write-up on the TPP leak here.) The TPP is the planned successor to trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA, and looks to be the next stage in the metastasis of globalism. According to Nation of Change, over 600 corporate lawyers have been working on the text of the TPP—and the chief agricultural negotiator for the United States is none other than Obama-appointed Islam A. Siddiqui, who previously worked as a lobbyist for… you guessed it… Monsanto. - See more at: ultraculture.org/wikileaks-secret-text-trans-pacific-partnership/#sthash.a51pWTgS.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:44:51 +0000

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