Well, well, well... Mira got her oxybutynin a little bit ago, and - TopicsExpress


Well, well, well... Mira got her oxybutynin a little bit ago, and guess who has a fever a now of 101.6? Simple word of advice, if you are feeling something as a parent, it is for a reason. The holy spirit is telling you through your base instincts as a parent... so listen! I may not be a doctor, but I know how to do research, and I know my child. I also know how to make simple correlations, like how every time she gets her oxybutynin, within a half an hour, she also gets a fever. A simple google search reveals that fever and irritability are two of the signs of oxybutynin overdose. Not that you should read everything thats on the internet as fact, but that information is also in the 2012 Nurses Drug Handguide. So now that a neurosurgeon has taken my claims seriously, I will be meeting with a urologist in the morning... and if they dont change her dose on record, Ill do it my damn self. I am holding it together, so sorry that I sound so pissed, but Ive been saying for over a day that this medicine is (at this moment) doing her more harm than good. I acknowledge its need for the long-run, but it needs adjusted, and Im sick of being dismissed simply because I do not have a medical degree.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 04:05:05 +0000

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