Well what a week! We would like to take this opportunity to say a - TopicsExpress


Well what a week! We would like to take this opportunity to say a few thanks and also give all our Facebook followers an update on those rescues that we know will have received disappointing news today. Firstly, we want to say massive thanks to every rescue that applied to us for one of these celebration grants. The passion in every single video sent was very clear to see and resulted in very tearful days in the office here. The fantastic work that you do should never be over looked; without you, these pets would not be with us and you all deserve an immense amount gratitude and support from us all. We also want to say a HUGE thanks to those rescues who have already been in touch today and for their lovely comments. Secondly, to all of you on here that have passionately supported your favourite rescue. In this day and age, its nice to see so many of us still whole-heartedly believe that EVERY PET deserves a forever home and whilst they are in the care of rescues, they should receive the very best that can be offered to them. A pet in any rescue is a pet that shouldnt be there and with your support we can all make a difference to their well-being Thirdly our lovely Trustees. All of which volunteer their time to not only support us in the team but also are amazingly supportive when we go to them and say that we want to give £500,000 away. Each one of them watched all the videos submitted and stepped in when we realised how many applications we were going to receive. Helping where possible to visit rescues, looking over accounts and project proposals and then obviously spending 4 hours painstakingly going through the applications received and coming to, what we believe, was, an impossible decision. Finally, we know how passionate you all are about your favourite rescues (us too!!) We wanted to let you all know that those rescues that have received disappointing news have been invited to resubmit their application via our normal process, where our Trustees arent limited to donating a set number of awards. From the lovely responses weve received from the rescues already, it does look like our Trustees are going to be busy in October! Us 4 in the office had better get fundraising :-)
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:05:01 +0000

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