Well, what do you say to things these days? The Marxist is ever - TopicsExpress


Well, what do you say to things these days? The Marxist is ever increasing his authority and congress is about 4 years behind reviewing all of the executive orders written and designed to change our laws thereby circumventing the Constitution; citizens are berated for being proud to be Americans while mutts who refuse to accept even our language are rewarded, we are faulted for not giving more while the government spends billions in helping those around the world who hate us and our tax burden goes up accordingly leaving us little left to be charitable with; our faith which is allowed to be free by not only our God but by the Constitution is ever under attack by those whose faith is proclaimed to be the ONLY true faith and our government is patronizing these cretins; our nation is less employed by far and regardless of the lying statistics with almost every family in America on some government program or another leaving many with little hope but to continue to play the game out of pure desperation.....and this small list of things is truly that....a small list of the problems facing us and so what do we say? and when do we say it in such a manner as to be heard round the world? They want us defenseless as evidenced by the continual grab for guns, they want us meek so they the assholes can inherit the world......sorry to have bastardized a bible verse there BUT....that is the truth. THEY want us subservient to their control and obedient to their foolish ideas of Kumbya sung around a campfire in our gulag. I dont know about your folks, but I am so beyond pissed. You can only have faith and continue to wait for the light at the end of the tunnel for so long and then you have to take action. Day by day our rights to assemble, speak out and work together for the common good are being taken away......as for the common good, we are being told what the common good is rather than being able to determine that ourselves without government mandates and I say enough. Agenda 21 is here and most Americans do not even know what this is; Common Core is here and present and is nothing more than another program to dumb us down, brainwash our youth and in essence it is about more government involvement or control; our healthcare is now a government mandate and how is that working out? It is all about control and this Constitutional experiment written after many battlers among each other by out Founders is surely under attack. That is the only thread that binds us together as Americans and the freedom it used to guarantee is what made our nation exceptional, that freedom which made us all productive and working and happy and fulfilled.....and then along came greedy selfish people who were jealous of the citizen who was indeed free, and they began to help us, care for us the little guy and look out for our needs.....Thanks folks. With any more government help Ill surely explode from all the help....so what to say? I say that it is way past time to either do one of two things.....quit or fight.....and no, waiting for yet another election cycle is not an answer. We have done that repetitively for too many cycles and the damage being done is too great to allow even one more day of this tyranny to continue. BUT what will we do? We will survive on our own or with small groups until the day that we find a way to truly bind together and even then not all of us. It is the III that I will wait for and join.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:50:58 +0000

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