Well, winding down my guiding season. Been great fall weather for - TopicsExpress


Well, winding down my guiding season. Been great fall weather for lake fishing. River fishing was a bit more challenging with the low water. Looks like big rain for the next day or so which is sorely needed. Not always a formal boat launch in my world, but it never slows the Catfish down. My last few trips were in the boat chasing bass and pike and a river trip for landlocked salmon. Lake temperatures were still holding in the mid to upper fifties and the bass and pike bite was good on the fly and with spin gear. Brightly colored lures and large salt water streamers in orange, yellow, and red were all productive. Most of the pike and bass we located were holding on deep weed edges. I have been setting the boat up in 15-20 of water and casting into 10 to 12 of water. Lots of follows up to the boat and certainly lots of schooling activity by the smallmouth. The warm fishing well remain solid as long as water temperatures hold. On the river front, we still need rain. Water temperatures have dropped into the low fifties. There has been some decent hatches of #20/#22 BWOs with wild trout sipping the tiny may flies in slow pools with finger nail sized gravel. Salmon fishing has been tough as the rivers are getting pounded with angling pressure. Been swinging #8-#10 Mickey Finns and nyphing with #12 tungsten bead headed prince nymphs and cooper johns with #16 olive caddis pupa and #18/#20 BWO nymphs. Seeing most of the salmon and larger ones eating the streamers. So, I am off to head south for a high school re-union and then to the west coast of Florida for some snook and redfish action on the fly. yeah haw. Tight Lines!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 12:14:46 +0000

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