Welshman Ncube, the Nyathi of Chimoio and Nyadzonia,the Mugabe - TopicsExpress


Welshman Ncube, the Nyathi of Chimoio and Nyadzonia,the Mugabe puppet and the betrayer of the struggle for democracy: Baba Jukwa Today I am angry that I have to alert you Vapanduki about the evil mechanizations in my party. They are fighting hard to divide the votes. Good luck to them but I know one thing that we are all together in fighting evil. I will tell you later why I am so angry but here is how the evil people in my party want to divide the opposition votes. The plan is to use the propaganda that Shonas are united, they are not tribal and not regional but Ndebeles are. So my party has been sponsoring outfits like Mthwakazi Liberation Movement and the two main CIOs Paul Siwela and General Nandinandi are roped in. The idea is to incite people in Matebelaland to revolt not against Mnangagwa and Mugabe who were part of masterminding the massacre of the people in that region in the early 80′s but against MDC-T. So they would want to transfer their crimes to MDC-T by inciting tribal debates through newzimbabwe where Mduduzi Mathuthu has partnered with backman Psycology Maziwisa for the project. That seems not to be working and so now Welshman, boy oh boy. What made me angry is the response I got from Welshman Ncube when I called him today to consider his hard line stance of being used to divide votes. Of course he and my party leader will loose dismally but why does he Welshman Ncube want to openly want to drag his name to the dustbins of history the same way Morrison Nyathi did after causing the death of thousands at Chimoio and Nyadzinia. So when I called him he tells me its Priscilla pushing him. Welshman please, ptu. How dare you drag your name in the mud in order to please an HIV positive girlfriend? Vana Ve Zimbabwe, I am angry at Welshman. He has decided to lose his mind to please his girlfriend Priscilla. And those in his party cant you restrain him. Now here is my advice to Priscilla. Here are a few notes for Mrs Priscilla Misihairabwi Mushonga Ncube. Welshman Ncube, whom you think is a fundi has a lot in his closet. He was part of those who masterminded the demise of PF ZAPU when it was swallowed by ZANU(PF). He has a hand, together with Edson Zvobgo, may his soul rest in peace, to craft the outgoing draconian constitution which made our party president a monster. Of course Jonathan Moyo added more salt to injury by adding POSA and AIPPA but the damage had already been done. Do you know Priscilla that my party has been using fake titles of Dr this Dr that Professor this , Professor that in order to intimidate citizens not to argue with them. They are fake and some are now spending lots of money buying fake Ph.D’s. You may want to know Priscilla that your boyfriend Welshman got that Associate Professorship through fraud. The Chancellor, my party leader Mugabe had assured Welshman of good rewards but in order to be promoted he needed some form of evidence of publications. He then plagiarized Lawrence Tshuma’s masters thesis and used it as evidence of research. Welshman Ncube does not have a Ph.D as required by UZ for promotion to Associate Professorship. Tshuma went to the High Court to challenge the promotion and Welshman paid for the case to rest. You may also want to know Priscilla that Welshman was called Razorman at UZ Law faculty where all good looking female students would be told plainly that to pass you have to bend for it. And no oone dared challenge him because he was the Chancellor’s boy. But then you may have been informed Priscilla that at Magnet House situated in Bulawayo along Main Street thats where the CIO has its Matebeleland Headquarters. This is where your darling has an office using the name Gheko. Yes vana VeZimbabwe, Gheko is Welshman Ncube’s CIO name if you doubt call the Harare recruitment Officer a Mr Masocha and ask him why Welshman Ncube is using a fake name on their payroll. So Priscilla, you have decided to push this CIO agent to refuse to unite with others. Its actually very good for VaPanduki because the initial plan was for him to join others and then pull out 5 days before elections causing confusion in the Vapanduki coalitions. Dont ever think that the people of Matebeleland are stupid, they rejected Welshman before and they will reject him now. In any case Welshman vowed that if he were to lose against Thokozani Khupe in the 2005 elections then he would resign from politics. He was kicked big time by Madam Khupe and without shame he is back. So Welshman’s decision not to join others is a blessing , people were not going to vote for traitors so there would have been apathy. Its good riddance to bad rubbish. To the people of Matebeleland, lets not be confused by those who murdered your fathers, those who raped your sisters and those who killed your neighbours and dumped them in shallow graves. They will never want you to be free. Most of you cant even get birth certificates in your own country because the very same people who killed your parents and relatives have come clothed as Mthwakazi Liberation Movement , MDC-N and Dumiso Dabengwa. They want you to vote my party through them. They are whipping up your emotions so that you dump those progressive people. Just think of the reason why they think you are the only people who are regionalists and tribalists. Why are they not making noise that the fact that Simba Makoni is Manyika then all people in Manicaland will vote for the MDC-T which he has endorsed? It is because my party is saying the Manyikas are not regionalists and tribalists. So indirectly they are insulting you by saying that you are not going to vote for people who offer promises of change but you will vote with tribes in mind. My party has thrived in racism and tribalism and do not give them a chance. Voting for my party through these groups means my party shall remain dominating you and suppressing any talk of compensation. Is Welshman Ncube and Dumiso Dabengwa promising to hang your killers and what makes them so quiet about the Gukurahundi issues? When they open their mouths they are busy shouting at MDC-T and devolution which are not matters of substance to you. Hee Tsvangirai this hee Tsvangirai that. What about my party leader Mugabe who took someone’s wife. What about my party leader who is terminally ill. When shall we hear that from Paul Siwela, Welshman Ncube and Dumiso dabengwa? Did you hear Paul Siwela saying Mugabe will win? Is this the person fighting for your cause? Why did Jonathan Moyo give $203 million to MDC-N last week? Who gave him that money? Dont say Baba Jukwa did not tell you. Asijiki. Today at 8:35am Unlike · 21 Comments · Unfollow Pos
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 21:52:18 +0000

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