We’re having a couple of good sized get togethers at our house - TopicsExpress


We’re having a couple of good sized get togethers at our house in November. One, of course, is Thanksgiving. We can’t wait! This time of festivity and fellowship is already a blessing to us, just thinking about it. We love to share all that we have and we dedicated our home to the Lord a long time ago. So whoever He brings and whatever opportunities come our way we always say yes. We’ve invited some folks and we’ve gotten responses. Others have asked to come and we’ve said of course. Altogether the invitation stands for whoever wants to join us is welcome. There are times in our lives when things aren’t so welcoming. Ravaged times when we don’t know what we’ll do. Our hearts are torn, our minds are reeling. We’ve got a real mess. Hurts have sprung up like a plumbing leak and we can’t seem to stop the flow. Injuries to our foundation have caused the ground to shake beneath our feet. We’ve looked at what we can do to make the repairs and yet it seems there’s no answer. Loneliness, fear, worry, desperation take hold in these hard times. Oh beloved, it’s time to invite Jesus! Invite Him into your mess! Invite Him to come and look at the wreckage of your life. Let Him in and don’t worry about the disaster you are facing. He won’t turn down your invitation. He won’t say no thank you. He won’t take one look and walk away. He will remain with you. He will take you by the hand and show you how He can clean it all up, fix what’s wrong and even make all things new! He doesn’t stop there. This welcome visitor to your mess will also fix you! He will restore your heart to beating and restore your mind to pondering His goodness and mercy and love. He will right the wrongs, and sing songs of love to you all the while He’s doing it. He’s not embarrassed, shocked or upset. He already knows your mess, precious one, and He’s been standing at the door of your heart waiting to be invited in to do what only He can do! God loves you and He’s for you! Christ took care of the messiness of life by going to the Cross on your behalf. He saw it all, He experienced the shame and He lives to make your life a beautiful example of His glorious mercy and grace! You invited Him into your heart, now invite Him into your everyday life and live in the Light of His loving care. Philippians 2:19 Therefore, God elevated Him to the place of highest honor and gave Him the name above all other names Psalm 27:7 Hear my voice when I call, LORD; be merciful to me and answer me. Psalm 121:2 My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth! Isaiah 40:28 Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. Isaiah 57:15 For this is what the high and exalted One says-- He who lives forever, whose name is holy: I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. Psalm 17:8-9 Let them give thanks to the LORD for His lovingkindness, And for His wonders to the sons of men! For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:17:06 +0000

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