What Im reading. Heres an excerpt: And over here are my most - TopicsExpress


What Im reading. Heres an excerpt: And over here are my most significant possessions, Damon said, leading Martin to a large glass display cabinet. It took up an entire wall and looked like the sort of thing that you would find in a museum. And, indeed, the strange array of items inside that cabinet would have been right at home in a museum. Heavy iron restraints, rusted and corroded with age. Chains, leg irons, wrist shackles, steel collars, wooden neck and wrist stocks, Crud, medieval hardware all used for one purpose. Martin knew what the items were before Damon spoke. All of these objects were used to capture and imprison African slaves, Damon told him with heavy eyes. These very devices may have been used on my ancestors. Or yours. Staring at the items, Martin couldnt help wondering what it would feel like to be burdened with one of those inhuman devices. To be collared like a wild animal. The mere thought sickened him. Why do you collect these things? A reminder. A motivator. Black men have an anger in them. Many are consumed by that anger and it ruins them. Its undeniable. Just watch the nightly news or visit a prison. All my life Ive used that anger to drive me. At the center of the display a framed antique document glowed in the beam of a warm spotlight. The paper was tinged and cracked with age. The old-style cursive writing was faded and difficult to read. Damon gazed at the document with a gleam of pride. Do you know what that is? Martin could only make out a few words and numbers and a signature, but even for document so old, the format was unmistakable. It looks like some sort of contract. Damon smiled. Thats right. Its the contract used to purchase my great-great- grandfather when he was first brought over here on a slave ship. Damon pointed to one name among a column of blurred names. Its hard to make out, but thats him right there. Martins eyes widened. How in the world did you find this? It wasnt as hard as youd think. They documented everything back then. Of course, it was pure luck that the document was still around. Martin stared at the antique contract with new eyes. He knew intellectually that the slave trade had been a thriving and very lucrative industry, but to stand before a legal record of such cruelty was, for a lawyer, a vivid reminder of how integrated African bondage had been with everyday American life for centuries. Inspiring, isnt it? Damon said. Our ancestors were dragged here in chains. Now look at us. He gestured toward the other guests lounging in his high-tech playpen. When Martin turned, he noticed that the other men were all watching him. Fixed on him. Every last man in this room, Damon went on, could buy the bastards who enslaved our forefathers a thousand times over. Ill drink to that shit, Carver said, raising his glass. Damon and Martin walked over to join in on the toast as crystal clinked. Martin had to admit to himself that he had been more than a little intimidated when he first walked in the door and found himself in the company of some of the most powerful men in the country. Who was he really? A storefront lawyer with some recent success but nothing compared to these titans. But at that moment, in the presence of a ghost that haunted all their pasts, he was beginning to feel like he belonged. Martin stared back at the cabinet of slavery artifacts. It is inspiring. Especially now that we have a black president. This comment did not get the reaction Martin expected. To Martins surprise, a couple of the men snorted. Others rolled their eyes. They were reacting as if he had just said hed voted for McCain or Romney. I say something wrong? Not wrong, Kwame said. Just ignorant. And I mean that in the truest sense of the word, brother. Not an insult. The others nodded in agreement. Youre saying nobody here voted for Obama? Of course we did, Tobias bellowed at Martin. Yourre missing the point. Okay, what is the point? Damon wrapped an arm around Martins shoulder, Look, we all support brother Barack, but theres a bigger picture. And in that bigger picture his presidency does more harm than good. I cant wait to hear what you mean by that. Solomon gestured to an empty chair. Have a seat, Martin, and allow us to enlighten you.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 21:45:56 +0000

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