What Is Bulletproof Protein Fasting – And How To Fast - TopicsExpress


What Is Bulletproof Protein Fasting – And How To Fast Correctly In a (coco-)nutshell, Bulletproof Protein Fasting is a biohack to get a greater reduction in inflammation and to kick-start weight loss. For new readers and routine followers of the Bulletproof Diet alike, it is a day of protein fasting once per week, where you eat virtually no protein: limit your protein to 15 grams or less per day. To keep you full and energized, consume a cup of protein-free Bulletproof Coffee in the morning and have near-zero protein, high fats, and moderate carbs throughout the day. For optimal results, limit carbohydrates to the afternoon and evening. Easy, right? Well, it turns out you might think you are protein fasting if you aren’t. This is most likely for one of three reasons: You are eating foods you don’t realize contain protein because we don’t think of them as typical high protein sources. What, broccoli has a little protein in it? By law, the FDA allows companies to label anything with less than one gram of protein per serving as having zero grams. Even if you are reading labels closely, you won’t know if you are getting a few grams of protein if you eat five times the normal serving. You aren’t sure what a protein-free day of eating might look like, or how to count/measure in grams, or something like that (read below for easy hacks to these problems). Here I explain the science behind protein fasting, as well as how to make sure you’re doing it correctly to achieve the performance, detox, or weight loss results you want. The Benefits of Protein Fasting: Lose Fat, Detox Your Cells, and Sleep Better All At Once By protein fasting once a week, you are essentially allowing your body a day to use its digestive machinery to perform self-maintenance. This is because dramatically lowering your protein intake once a week induces autophagy – or, literally translated, self-digestion. Yes, you heard it right: this means you’re eating your own protein and fat! This is important not just for fat loss, but also for your cellular repair functions. Your enzymes from your pancreas and liver, in addition to breaking down and excreting toxins, have a secondary role of removing debris from the cells in your body.[i] Protein fasting also improves mitochondrial function, which results in better sleep over time. In 2013, a team of researchers learned that autophagy is required for healthy brain cell mitochondria.[ii] Brain Octane oil provides ketones, which act as fuel for the mitochondria. If you follow the Protein Fasting portion of the Bulletproof Diet, you’re already upgrading your brain’s ability to drain waste as you sleep using the glymphatic system. This means that by itself, following the Bulletproof Diet will help most people get better quality sleep. To see more, to learn more, and become more- please visit eatwellmovewell.net for Personalised Consultations, Raw Cooking Classes and we are also the WA seller for Genuine Bulletproof® Upgraded™ Supplements and Foods right here in WA, Perth, Aus and NZ https://bulletproofexec/what-is-protein-fasting-bulletproof-diet/
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 04:00:00 +0000

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