What Is Money? Have you ever thought about what money is really? - TopicsExpress


What Is Money? Have you ever thought about what money is really? Money is an idea. Money is energy. Let me explain. Money is an idea created to establish a value system so that fairness existed among people bartering, trading, investing and giving. Money is nothing more than an idea and ideas are nothing more than electromagnetic energy. Money is also used as a means of exchange in our society and if you do not understand the laws of compensation and exchange, you will never win the game of money and you will never achieve what you want to earn. What are the Different Ways of Making Money? The more money you want to make, the more specialized knowledge, skill and application of the right strategies and tactics in the right order must be applied, including the right thoughts and feelings. There are six options to consider when it comes to making or finding money. Win it. In any given year, about 25 people out of 250 million will win a big lottery. I don’t recommend banking your financial career on hitting the winning number. And statistics show that people quickly lose all the money within a few short years—because the amount of money you earn has to be equivalent to your deserve level. Steal it. This price is expensive because you are going to jail if you get caught, and there’s a very big chance you will. So, stealing money is not really an option. Find it. The odds on this one are about the same as winning the lottery, maybe less. Don’t hold your breath. Invest it. This is an excellent option that requires your own or someone else’s specialized knowledge in anything from real estate to business to diamond… Inherit it. I don’t know about your family, but in my family, this option isn’t worth holding my breath for, which means the only option left for me is to earn it… Earn it. Yes, you actually have to work and provide tangible value in the marketplace. It’s the marketplace that pays you based on the value you bring to it and your ability to get people to exchange their money for your product, service, ideas or investments. If you are saying, “But I already provide value.” Or, “I am already being paid for what I contribute at work,” you probably aren’t working on the right things in the right order and the right quantities to make the income you desire. Money is part of a value system where those who figure out how to provide more of their products, services, knowledge or expertise can create the income of their dreams.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 10:45:55 +0000

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