What US Treaties Really Means for the people of the US, War and - TopicsExpress


What US Treaties Really Means for the people of the US, War and Profit: The usa when found under the US Constitution was NEVER meant to make war in other countries for any reason other than the protection of American citizens. This doesnt mean us companies or us citizens who work for those companies, but rather that no country would be allowed to continually harm us citizens who were there of their accord. If an American citizen worked for a company in another country it was the responsibility of that company to provide protection for the people that worked for it, Americans included. Today politics has completely reversed the role of us military involvement in other countries, which blatantly started with Theodore Roosevelt. Today the us government uses the pretext of us interests to invade countries. This is one the biggest fallacies to come out of DCs foreign policies. Those interests the us government and politicians refers too is not citizens but CORPORATIONS. It is the corporate money that drives politics, especially from the Military Industrial Complex, Big Oil and the Banks. And that is really what the us government refers to when it claims us interests. And this boils down to the us government committing the us military in order to ensure that those corporations makes good profits from the foreign countries they go into. Or you could say the us government uses the military as an insurance policy to make sure Big Business stays profitable, especially in some very unstable countries in the world. The above is reproven by the fact that many Republicans, more commonly known as RINO or Moderate Republicans are just as hawkish over war as the Democrats. McCain and Lindsey being just 2 key republican senators that are. This also partially explains the current situation in the Ukraine, where us and EU Banking interests have very high stakes, having been working to buy up large parts of the Ukrainian business sector as well as mineral rights, all being negotiated through the Ukrainian government. The previous president Viktor Yanukovych would not play ball with the bankers giving them all they wanted. In short a coup was arranged, carried out and now the Ukrainian people having their country sold out from under them for money. And the rest is current history in the making. And guess what? The 5-7 Billion us dollars spent in the Ukraine so far, and the involvement of Blackwater and others, ALL for the interests of the us citizen! Or is it for the interests of the us and EU bankers? Similar thing in Afghanistan and Vietnam. Libya, Egypt and Syria too, but different actions were taken to accomplish similar end results! And now you know the American soldier is NOT fighting for his country, but rather he is an expendable in the name of corporate profit. Sadly both Democrats and Republicans are in on this game. A few like Rand Paul are not and they catch terror from both sides because they are not. And finally, being an isolationist is NOT a bad thing. It is actually a good thing! A real isolationist signs no mutual defense treaties, nor becomes overly friendly with any country. This becomes an example to ALL countries that such a country that does not sign such pacts is NOT making any enemies. You make enemies by siding with another country or people. You keep your peace by not making yourself a target for the enemies from what would be mutual treaty. And you make many times the money as a country being an isolationist because you can trade with ALL sides. And that is because you have done nothing to make any enemies. As for the Muslims we signed a peace treaty with them many years ago. Know its name? It was called the Treaty of Tripoli, 1797. Here is part of what it said: as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Mohammedan] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries. Heres the results. The usa NEVER had any problems with any Muslims until about 150 years later when the state of Israel was founded. The us government started signing all types of defense treaties with Israel, giving them arms...etc.... and guess what happened? In short you see the results of it today... Simply put, DONT SIGN TREATIES, and this is also what the Founding Fathers of the country also rec commended. If you do, then you and your children will pay the price for doing so, and for certain corporations to profit off your sweat, blood and lives... Michael-- Deo Vindicabamur Classical Historian Western Civilization-- Whats left of it....
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 02:33:34 +0000

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