What a load of crap. Now, I really like KC and his passion in Way - TopicsExpress


What a load of crap. Now, I really like KC and his passion in Way of the Master. But this is a self-endulgent ploy to defend his fun with the parts of Christmas that distract from Christ. I did a study on Santa for the book I wrote, I would suggest KC actually do the same. Santa is NOT St. Nicholas. The Saint Santa steals this name from would be appalled at this creation. St, Nicholas NEVER gave presents. Not to good boys nor good girls. He helped the needy. Thats it. The two have nothing in common. But if KC wants to compare the names of Santa, sure, lets. He is also called Kris Kringle. Heres the history of that name: See, gift giving is rumored to have come from the three wise men giving gifts to the Christ child and was then carried on by St, Nicholas. However, the tradition started well after the death of St. Nicholas when, to commemorate his death, nuns would place stockings of food or candy on the doors of needy families. This became so popular that by the time of Martin Luther, the church banned it. Luther said that the true present of Christmas is the gifts we receive from the Christ Child, or in German, Christkindle. Instead of this stopping the practice of gifts, it simply moved it from December 6th (St. Nicholas’ Day) to Christmas. With time, the gifts no longer came from the Christ child ‘Christkindle’, but from ‘Kris Kringle’, or Santa Clause. Thats right, not only is Santa the major distraction from Christ during the holiday we are suppose to celebrate the birth of our savior, that personage even tries to take upon himself the name Christ Child. But then KC goes on to praise the materialism of Christmas??? Have you lost your bloody mind?? You want us to believe that this Santa has any relationship to St. Nicholas and with the mouth praise wasting billions on crap while the very needy St. Nicholas sacrificed for go without? Sorry Kirk, Scripture says we are to put away childish things, we are suppose to flee from things that take us away from Christ, we are to not hinder the Children from coming to Him, which is exactly what Santa does. Poll 6-12 year olds on their favorite parts of Christmas and you will not find many who will say Christ. It will be Santa and presents. No Kirk, I suggest you re-evaluate yourself and your own motivations. It is fine you like all the Christmas distractions. But do NOT try to make those distractions, those things that distract from Christ and make celebrating His coming a side bar to Christmas, a good and right Christian thing to do. Also, I am not bashing those who may read this for their own love of this stuff. Fine, you can have it. But do not try to make Santa, the love of possessions, filling your heart with yourself instead of Christ, and putting the holiday before the one from which its name comes, a Christian blessing. Santa is a Coca-Cola marketing ploy from the 1920s, designed to get in your pocket and make you spend more money on yourself, and has NOTHING to do with Christianity. coca-colacompany/holidays/the-true-history-of-the-modern-day-santa-claus
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:25:17 +0000

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