What a smashing week it has been for the Tories, not only did no - TopicsExpress


What a smashing week it has been for the Tories, not only did no one get arrested this week by the operation yewtree squad, but George Osborne appeared on our tv screens with a dead meerkat perched on his head and a smile on his sweaty pasty face that was so insane in its appearance that it explained why all those call girls in the 80s use to draw straws to see who would have the misfortune to spend the night being chased around a hotel room with a naked teenage crack head George Osborne and his shiny erection. Yes this is the news that George had led his people back to the promised land after six long years of living in the wilderness of his economic recovery plan, and the news that Britains economy is now 2% bigger than its pre recession peak. George was so sickeningly smug on sky news, you would have thought that if the television camera had panned down 2 foot you would have found Kate Burley on her knees giving George the best blow job since Eve tried to make amends with Adam for getting them evicted by security from the garden of Eden. George wanted to thank just about everyone from his mother to those hard working people of Britain who he sometimes saw as he drove by in his chauffeur driven ministerial car. There had been doubters about Georges plans, but he had proved them all wrong and now was the time for him to bathe in the lime light as David Cameron was busy dealing with Russian rebels shooting passenger planes out of the sky using missile launchers supplied by Russias answer to Ronnie Kray in Vladimir Putin, and David Cameron was pretty bloody annoyed I can tell you !! ( He was that ticked off at the thought of over 300 innocent people, over 80 of them being young children simply falling out of the sky and coming to rest in fields that were now also burning with twisted metal because somebody in the Kremlin gave the local Ukraine village idiot a hi tech missile launcher to shoot at anything that moves above his brainless head ) that he called for a rigorously firm response from the west, as long as that response did not effect Britain making and selling arms and military equipment to Russia and did not involve handing back hundreds of thousands of pounds in donations to the Tory party by some of Putins ex cronies. Anyway way back to George Osborne who was still having his glorious moment in the spot light, when that little shit Nick Clegg popped up on the BBC and tried to steal some of the applause by telling the BBC that the recovery would never have happened if it was not for the liberals being in coalition and making the tea and biscuits while the Tories pillaged and raped the country like Jimmy Saville on crystal meth bender. You could almost imagine a fuming George telling Cleggy to f#ck off and get back in that converted broom cupboard we let you call an office you cheeky little twat. So has George saved the country ? Is Britain great once again a tower of European economic strength ? Of course not !! He is George Osborne and the small part of his brain that he did not destroy by putting half of Columbia up his nose on his nights out in the late 80s and early nineties has barely enough cells left to operate a casio calculator let alone run the British exchequer. Although the figures are not yet in stone and are merely being projected there are a few things that George is not letting on to, although the BBC economic expert said that this great news about the economy should be taken with a pinch of salt he seemed a little reluctant to expand on why, No doubt the Tories had sent round Gripper Duncan Smith to sort out any grasses at the BBC and remind them that snitches get stitches and so I guess it is now left to the few like me to grass those Tories up and explain to some of you lovely people why all is not as rosie as George would have you believe. Firstly George Osbornes main plan for recovery was austerity which in turn would bring borrowing under controls. This has been a lesson in abject failure under Osborne the countries borrowing has spiralled out of control.The last labour government borrowed 429.975 billion pounds in thirteen years and that includes the height of the banking crisis in 2008. George Osborne in 4 years has borrowed 430.072 billion pounds !! Can you imagine what that figure would rise to if he was given the other nine years labour had. Secondly George promised that his austerity plan would ensure that debt would start to fall by 2015 this is now unattainable as it soars past the trillion mark and the earliest we can expect to see a slight decrease is around the end of 2017 fingers crossed. Another abject failure. Thirdly, despite George saying that business export was growing and he wanted exports to rise further to keep in line with his economic plan the OBR predicts that our business exports will fail to make a net contribution to the countries growth and warned that our business export is weak and still in decline in the export market, another abject failure. Fourthly, George has caused a housing bubble by refusing to build the acquired amount of homes to keep up with demand, nowhere is this more obvious than London where property prices are ludicrously unaffordable for average working class people, soon London will be souly the play ground for the rich and as everybody knows a bubble will eventually burst. Another abject failure. Fifthly, George said of his austerity plan that we would all suffer together!! We all now know that austerity brings great wealth to the all ready wealthy and debt to the majority of those who are not wealthy. inflation is still eating at your wages and the majority of us are getting poorer in real terms and experts warn it could take many years just to improve. Since George set out his economic plan in 2010 wages have fallen by a staggering 8% Where as the top tax bracket has seen their wealth rise every single year of this government. Not a abject failure for George, he would see this as a success story. Number six, The National institute for economic and social research said that as an economic powerhouse such as Britain the recovery has been astonishingly slow even on Osbornes preferred measure of gross domestic product it is still worryingly very slow in fact our worst recovery for over a hundred years,where as other countries who use a balanced economic plan, recovered much faster and stronger than Osborne who just dished out austerity and cuts and job losses. Number seven, George boasted that we were getting more growth than nearly any other country but he was using smoke and mirror numbers the truth is for real terms in GDP per capita charting individual out put per person we are lagging well behind countries such as Germany, Japan,France,and the US and we are nowhere near where it was in 2008 unlike the countries mentioned. Another abject failure. Finally the UKs current account has been criticised by the ONS for becoming increasingly dependent on inflows of foreign capital another words we are becoming worryingly no longer self sufficient as a country. So now we have gone through the boring stuff let us take the last look at David Camerons Big society project that was to enrich all our lives and communities but is now under investigation by the charities commission for inappropriate funding after it was revealed that companies used tax payers money to pay off debts and two consultants approved by David Cameron one of them being Martyn Rose a Tory donorwho awarded themselves huge payments once again at the tax payers expense, in fact a lot of people made a lot of money and the big society delivered absolutely nothing worth writing about. The Tories use to mock labour for wasting money but make no mistake when these scoundrels are driven out of office and the books are opened up such as Iain Duncan Smiths account they will make labour look like misery and as where labour wasted money the Tories simply stole it..... Dont have nightmares love Del.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 11:25:49 +0000

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