What a thing, perspective. Everyones perspective is unique and - TopicsExpress


What a thing, perspective. Everyones perspective is unique and irreplacable. Even things you look at as defects can offer an entirely different perspective. Even your own senses have things to show you that you never realized. An example: For those who dont know, I can only properly see out of one eye. I was pretty much born this way - the optic nerve in my bad eye never developed fully. All that eye picks up is light and shadow, very faint, in a sort of sepia tone. The nerve is incapable of processing almost all colors and can only discern the most vague and hazy shapes from the shadows it detects. Most of the time, its effectively black (nothing to detect), but occasionally, a significant enough light source will become obstructed, and I will notice it. That has been the extent of my vision on that side of myself, for 31 years, 1 month, and 6 days. Until today. I was just reading a particularly heart-wrenching one of these stories that are now being put out all over the web about the humanity of the late, great Robin Williams. And a tear welled up in that dead eye. Now, this has NEVER happened before, but I must have been sitting at just the right angle with just the right amount of light, and the fact that the nerve and retina have never handled such an influx of light, but the light from my table lamp went right into that welled up tear and lit up my whole field of vision in that eye. I dont think I could accurately describe what that looked like, other than to say that if you can imagine an aquarium full of gold which has been liquefied and somehow made translucent, with the sun glimmering behind, into, through, and off from it, you might have some vague idea. And this, because of the way my mind operates, got me to thinking about the uniqueness and value of perspective. The moral (at least the one I took): never take another persons perspective for granted, or treat it as though it has no value. Whether its positive, negative, or indifferent. Because even a blind eye (if only once in 30 years) can see things which you can only imagine.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:21:16 +0000

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