What a wonderful year its been. A big wholehearted thanks to each - TopicsExpress


What a wonderful year its been. A big wholehearted thanks to each of you -- for your presence and your support. One of the greatest gifts I’ve experienced this past year has been the opportunity to offer eCourses that can help people embrace their truths and begin to fulfill their potential. In our very first eCourse, we teamed up with bestselling author and TED talk sensation Dr. Brené Brown. Over six creative weeks, people experienced how loving their own imperfections really is the key to a full wholehearted life. I must say, the classwork has been breathtaking, and the comments have been so moving. Here are just a few… I have learned more about myself in the last six weeks than I think I have in 39 years! Brené, you just have a way about you - your writing, your talks - wonderful. You did not proclaim to fix us by the end of the course, you just gave us the tools to get into the arena. I am forever changed and grateful. I cannot wait to see what I learn in Part 2! - alg1010 This class has encouraged me to lean in at times when I want to retreat or I feel small and insignificant; it has also encouraged me to be brave as I encounter uncertainty. What a wonderful gift I have been given in the way of the course, the book, wholehearted guidance from Brené, Oprah and connection with my fellow classmates and an opportunity to make positive whole hearted changes. :-) - judisa I view everything with new eyes! Thank you Brene Brown and Oprah for helping the world shine brighter by helping us to heal and embrace our Authentic Selves and how we show up in the world can change everything - 4mercy The response has been so tremendous that we’re going to offer The Gifts of Imperfection – Part One again beginning on January 12, with new opportunities to talk directly with Brené and your fellow students. Then, coming March 30th, Brené will guide you through an all-new eCourse, The Gifts of Imperfection – Part 2. If you want to give people a truly meaningful holiday gift, this is the perfect choice for a friend or loved one. Please join me, Brené and thousands of others on this wholehearted journey. bit.ly/JIOjds Wishing you a peace-filled 2014. Oprah
Posted on: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 22:18:37 +0000

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