What a year its been so far ... You can not write half the stuff - TopicsExpress


What a year its been so far ... You can not write half the stuff that has happened to me and my family this year, (and I cant write most of whats happened either). After my brothers Kaliques admission in hospital then discharged, mum too was admitted and then also was discharged later. Kalique is still waiting on another outpatients appointment, as he was too ill to travel last week. Mum on the other hand, has had no outpatients appointment, with no help, and was only given a few aids for assistance in her mobility at home. Well this morning she was sent a letter for two MRI scans on the same day at two different times and what about her physiotherapy ..?! I even got my mum a social worker, as she is not coping. The social worker turned up last week and said in her own words, to me, oh dear, you have got it tough ... dont worry, keep smiling, and patted my shoulders!!! (how patronising). Now having to care for mum and my brother Kalique, its become an art, trying to juggle things around. For the needs of my family and children, and the demands of the business. Mal (my bother) wanted to get mum an arthritis friendly zimma frame, where she could go shopping with it, which also had a funky, fold out seat, so if she was tired, she could sit down on it too! Mum refused. Saying theres no room for her paraphernalia, as Kaliques adaptations are MORE important. My mum feels she is a burden and doesnt want any help, as it would interfere with Kaliques care plan and his room layout, so refuses. I know it will take time to convince my mum. She has (understandably), dedicated her life, caring for my brother Kalique for more than 45 years! On a good note, Samira Bashir came to see my mum yesterday. she is one of the nurses which looked after my mum in hospital. Mum and I loved seeing you again! Also the business in the last two weeks has improved, and will hopefully continue to do so. With new air conditioning being put in, and general maintenance and painting to the restaurant are in plan and are imminent. The ghastly restaurant front will also inevitably will be done by me! My landlord refuses to carry out any major building works. I had to spend over a thousand pounds just to reroute the guttering to the front, as it was ruining the restaurant frontage. Slates on the extension roof is also missing, and its leaking in through the toilet ceilings, that too apparently is my responsibility ..?!! Well I will be deducting it from the rent! Now last night, I was contacted by the fraud squad, from my business bankers. They were waiting on authorisation from me on a transaction of £2,980 last night at a warehouse up North! These low life scums of the earth, have some how got my card details, and have already stolen £2,500 since last week! Purchasing bulk items from two cash and carrys in Oldham & Preston and also purchased items from various online outlets! Im absolutely fuming, shocked, and angered! :( I feel, (these past 6 weeks) as if Im in a dream, (thinking it will get better), and that Im not coherent with my senses, but keep waking up to the same, confused and disillusioned feelings every day. These constant humming sound, and a weighted, bloated feeling. in my head too, feels that Im walking on wool! . :( I have to keep on, and deal with it, for the sake of my family, and my own sanity! One thing is for sure, my mums social worker (even though she was patronising) was right, she said, Keep Smiling .. So to all you lovely people out there, no matter what day, week, month or year that we are all having & no matter what circumstances we may be troubled with, be thankful to the almighty that we are still here, we can, work our way out of it, Inshallah (God willing). Keep Smiling & Carry On .. Much Love Abdul
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 15:26:13 +0000

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