What about the working man/woman? Yesterday I posted about a - TopicsExpress


What about the working man/woman? Yesterday I posted about a sore subject regarding the Irish Water Debacle. It’s apparent that our Austerity Coalition Parties of Fine Gael/Labour are out of touch with the reality from the rest of the Irish citizens from the working classes, the indigenous classes and our aged folk who have paid hundreds of thousands of Euro’s in their life time to help contribute with the running and management of the State. Some of these aged folk worked 30, 40, and even 50 years slogging away, just to live a normal life, and now be told, caught up for the Water you use. What an end to your life, lets bleed the last bit of change out of their pensions, from all these years of working and contributing. What a hair brain idea that was orchestrated by the clever un-elected bureaucrat’s “The Troika” clowns of the E.U. and our so called represented Austerity Parties of Fine Gael/Labour that dance to these Clowns... So, November the 1st 2014 1 pm should go down in the history books of the millennium year as a day when the citizens of Ireland march down again along OConnell street and onto the Dail to the out of touch Government Ministers in a peaceful protect that we are not paying for water charges which is a God giving right, and a humane right to sustain life for all living creatures and humans.... Genesis: 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under heaven be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.2 Peter 3:5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by Gods word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. God never taxed the water he created. So why should a bunch of un-elected bureaucrat clowns of the E.U. and the Austerity parties of the Dail Tax its citizens for what God provided in the first place. What is required is Solidarity to bring about the end of taxing the majority of the Irish working classes, and to the lower rung s of society, and no to Corporate Ireland... We have enough of slashes in our living standards, and No to these bonuses culture of the political parties... Please Pass this along to get the message out. Remember the 1st of November we need to assemble on the streets of Dublin in a peaceful protest against more Austerity Measures on the citizens of Ireland, through water taxes and to kick out this regime of lackeys... youtu.be/AFSpcz7dG4A
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:42:32 +0000

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