What an interesting day... Due to a growing list of needed items - TopicsExpress


What an interesting day... Due to a growing list of needed items not available in town the boys and I, along with Jasper, hopped in the car and headed to the city to pick up what we needed. Why would I bring the dog? I made a choice, I could either: a) leave him kenneled at home where my very sick husband had gone to bed. (Jasper has severe separation anxiety and screams himself silly when left alone, he also develops stress colitis and defecates blood); OR b) bring him along for an air conditioned ride and do my best to keep him comfortable for the time wed be in Walmart, its 25 degrees out according to the thermometer on my car dash, and he loves car rides. As usual the Walmart parking lot was a zoo, it was quite a warm afternoon but windy. I parked the car once and cracked the windows. I couldnt feel the wind blowing through because I was too close to the cart shelter so I chose to move further South in the parking lot where the wind could blow through the car. I opened the sun roof all the way after parking for the second time, opened all 4 windows a couple of inches, and turned off the car. The boys and I sat in the car for a bit discussing what we needed to pick up (as I also assessed any heat build up) there was a nice breeze blowing through the car windows and the temp was warm (imagine that, its summer time, the temps would be the same in our back yard IF I was able to leave my anxious poodle behind...ever) there was plenty of shade in the foot wells of the driver and passenger sides of the car (as well as a cooler with an ice pack in it on the floor) if he chose to relax and lay down. He had eaten his meal and had a big drink of water before we left home so I didnt feel it was necessary to lay out a bowl of water for the short duration wed be inside. So into Walmart we went, leaving the car less than optimally secure to ensure the dogs comfort. The boys visited the toy aisle for a bit, we visited sporting goods, picked up some summer clothing, then headed for the till. On our way to the till, I heard an announcement over the loud speaker that the owner of my car should visit Customer Svc. I did so and they had no idea what was going on. I abandoned my cart to go out and see what the issue was. When I approached my car, it had been barricaded in by a truck and there was a couple pacing in front of my car. As I got close enough to hear them they began yelling at me, calling me names and threatening me. They said they were about to smash the windows in on my car...really?? Instead of breaking a window and scaring the H out of my dog and cutting him with broken glass, perhaps reach in the gap and unlock it? Or climb through the fully open roof?? Remember the part where I explained my dogs separation anxiety? He gets anxious EVERY time Im away. This time frame includes includes a weekend, an evening, an hour, or just my attempt at a trip to the bathroom alone. This even happens whenever the entire family is in the vehicle with him and I hop out at a store to pick something up while my husband circles the block, he pants, shakes, whines, and carries on like hes being tortured. It happens at every temperature level, in winter with his jackets and boots on, in spring and fall when its room temperature out, even when he wears a wrap similar to the thunder shirts that are supposed to alleviate stress. I have discussed his anxiety disorder with my vet and was given the option of medicating him but we chose not to take that option due to his medical history and the genetic seizure disorder his father has. I have also had him treated by my vet almost every time Ive attempted to leave him behind due to different symptoms caused by his stress and anxiety. I can clearly see how happening upon a vehicle with a panting dog in it would set off alarm bells on a warm day, perhaps heat isnt the only contributing factor. I never got a chance to voice any of what this letter explains because the couple who had been pacing in front of my car never stopped yelling at me for a second. After they got in their vehicle and I could no longer hear them, the wife made childish hand gestures at me instead. There has been a lot of media recently about pets dying and I understand peoples passion to care for pets who have no voice. The couple said they had been standing outside my car for an hour, which means they pulled up right after the kids and I walked away from the car, right when my dogs anxiety would have begun. During the time they were pacing around my car, Jaspers anxiety would have been made worse by strangers glaring in the windows. Im kind of glad they didnt stick their arms into the car, Jasper probably would have nipped them. As soon as I got into the car, I offered Jasper a drink which he lapped at, then circled excitedly because he hadnt been abandoned forever. Just in case the pacing couple had seen something in his behavior that would indicate distress, I checked his gums and tongue which were healthy pink not red or pale, his panting wasnt anything out of HIS ordinary, then headed to the Tim Hortons drive-through across the road for some ice water and treats and drinks for the kids who were really freaked out by the scary bikers who were yelling at me. I offered Jasper the ice water, he didnt want any, just kept glancing from my eyes to the Timbits box in hopes of someone sharing a piece. Jasper very quickly returned to normal breathing rhythm and relaxed in the front seat beside me. We drove back to the Walmart parking lot and circled a couple of times looking for the animal control vehicle as I had apparently been reported. I didnt see any marked vehicles in the chaos so I parked again, this time left it running, air conditioner on and went inside to pay for the items in the cart. I had chosen not to leave it running before because there was a case recently where the vehicle stalled, air cut out of course and a dog a died. I looked around again before we left for any sign of animal control or SPCA and didnt see anything. We began the trip home. Using hands-free from the road I phoned and left a lengthy message with the SPCA (didnt push 4 for emergencies because there wasnt one) explaining what had happened and offering to have Jasper assessed should they feel it necessary. There has been no return phone call. The couple who were bad mouthing me in the parking lot didnt have all of the facts about my dog, although I understand why they felt they were acting in Jaspers best interest. I was rattled to say the least, the kids were scared, and I will opt for his bloody colitis on the next trip we make.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 03:37:16 +0000

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