What are people saying about Juicin4You ... Connie - TopicsExpress


What are people saying about Juicin4You ... Connie Swenson Sabrina...FYI... Started my morning off with the Hulk. Robert gave me some of your juice and I have already lost 4 Lb. Just love the juice and they all taste good, thx for offering a superior product, great job! Robert J Downing Hello Sabrina, the last two batches of juice were excellent, great flavor, great benefits, I have more energy than Ive had in a long time. I think you have it down to a science. Thanks, Robert Michael Bennett Just chugged a hulk! Feeling great! Dena Downing Cant say enough about what juicing has done for me. And Im a very finicky person. I didnt think I would be able to tolerate juicing at all. And Im not much of vegetable eater. At first I was thinking this isnt to bad. I can tolerate it. Then after the second week I was hooked. I couldnt get enough. I went a week without it once and I was miserable. I have to have it everyday. Im terribly addicted now. All I have to say Sabrina you better not quit making it. I will have to hunt you down. Im sure Sheree will agree with me. When Im out of the juice. As soon as I get to Sabrinas I have to drink one ASAP. This is my drug.. Pure organic veggies and some fruit. Thank you Sabrina for encouraging me. If you hadnt been so pushy I would have never tried it. Lol.... You can tell a difference when your drinking it. It helps with your energy level. Not tired like I used to be. I actually believe this helped me heal faster after my double knee surgery. Im so glad Sabrina loves making the juices. Because Im to lazy to make it for myself. If it wasnt for her I would go back to my bad eating habits. Thank you again Sabrina for your wonderful juices Sheree Flowers I cant praise the benefits of what juicing has done for me enough. I was actually down for the count at the age 50. Hurting all over, no energy and some days I couldnt even get out of bed, which is NO life to live! Juicing has changed all of that for me. Thank you for turning me on to the BEST thing that Ive ever done for ME in my life!!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 13:03:44 +0000

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