What are the Side Effects of Heroin Dependence? learn - TopicsExpress


What are the Side Effects of Heroin Dependence? learn more Side effects from heroin abuse and addiction vary as the disease progresses. Other chemical dependency may impact the presentation of complications and side effects of heroin use. Following heroin consumption, the user experiences a rush that is usually accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, dry mouth, and a heavy feeling in the extremities. Given the challenge of precisely calibrating the dosage of such a powerful narcotic, this initial rush can frequently be followed by nausea, vomiting, and severe itching. Short-term physical side effects of heroin use include: Depressed respiration (shallow breathing) Clouded mental functioning Decreased pain from either physical conditions or emotional challenges Uncontrollable feelings of itching that result in compulsive scratching or picking at skin (itchy blood) Heroin abuse and dependence produce serious medical side effects, which may directly or indirectly result in death: Heart problems, including infection of heart lining and valves Infectious diseases spread by shared needles (HIV and hepatitis B and C) Chronic pneumonia or other pulmonary diseases Blood clots or tissue death resulting from collapsed veins or impurities Bacterial infections Liver disease Arthritis and other rheumatologic problems Seizures Because heroin addicts do not know what the strength of the heroin purchased on the street may be or what it may be mixed with, they are at risk of overdose or death. Studies show that after five years of use the average heroin user has a ninety percent chance of having contracted hepatitis C. A person injecting heroin is also at high risk for the transmission of HIV and other diseases from sharing non-sterile needles. Heroin abuse and addiction are extremely serious medical diseases. They require care from chemical dependency specialists experienced in opiate detox and withdrawal. Please note: Curtailing long-term heroin use suddenly can cause serious medical complications, including death. Heroin detox should not be attempted at home, or without supervision from a licensed medical doctor who regularly treats patients for heroin dependence and withdrawal. If you or your loved one are concerned you may be experiencing a heroin overdose or other opiate withdrawal symptoms, call 911 for emergency assistance.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 05:21:26 +0000

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