What crap is this TV show flowing out of their mouths. - TopicsExpress


What crap is this TV show flowing out of their mouths. Constitution is the law of the Land and if you dont like it, leave. We are a republic and we have rights and freedoms that we have fought long and hard for and this excuse of a President who wants to be a Dictator is wrong. Absolute power corrupts and the news host on MSNBS is a idiot. This president wants our country to be bankrupt and he wants to take away our rights, freedoms and money. Wake up fool before it is too late. Our press died 5 years ago except for Fox News because none of the major networks, never investigated the President. They just look at the color of his skin and his smile, but not his character. We keep repeating our mistakes because we dont learn from our mistakes. This has been done thru out history. Millions have died thru out the centuries because we dont learn from our mistakes. Our country is unique in the history of mankind. We fought a revolution and founded a country based on the rights of the individual not the state or the monarchy or a religion but the individual having the right and the freedom to worship as they please. To meet with others and protest peaceably. Our country is not perfect but it is better then any other country in the world and I am not going to apologize for it like this president did unfortunately in Cairo. What the people around the world are forgetting is that there are no ancient civilizations around today in this world called Earth. We just see the ancient monuments that are decaying over time and will one day fall to dust. But our Constitution as simple as it is was written down in a hot period of time in Philadelphia in secret with no air conditioning. No document is perfect but our document comes the closest to anything written before or since. I am glad we have this simple Constitution and I thank our forefathers for realizing that we needed a new document and took the time to write it and go over each line countless times. I am proud to be a American where I know I am free. If you dont like our constitution, get the hell out.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 02:58:15 +0000

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