What does it take to be a real man. If this was written thousands - TopicsExpress


What does it take to be a real man. If this was written thousands of years ago l think it would mean to be a provider, a savage, the alpha dog, a passionate lover. Modern times takes this from us. I wont dress in a suit unless its a celebration of life or death. Its my rebellious nature to modern society. The strive to make ends meet kills our true self. My dad thought that providing was working 24 hours a day. Old school work ethic, the hardest worker ive ever known. But is that the way? He and we sacrificed much. He is my everything , and Ive tried for that. What is a self destructive mentality? Are you born with it or a product of upbringing? Or both. The oldest memories l have. Give me 20 vs 1 and i thrive. Swim a river with crocodiles and l hear, smell, see everything. I am King of all things!! Yet give me everyday life and l struggle. If you are close to me l will give you everything l have. Better 1 good day with my family than 7 at my worst. If you are good im always good. My well being is not my concern. , never has been from earliest memory. I am aware of being positive for those that look to me. But look to your selves and find that true wealth comes in not wealth but quality of your life!! Finally time to transition to make the gym my soul thing. I am not businessman because business has no place in the heart of savages!!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:31:23 +0000

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